Hey all,
Having an odd issue when trying to get my AI to jump up/down from a ledge leveraging a custom blueprint based off the Nav Link Proxy.
I’ve looked at the many examples available online and set up a Nav Link Proxy, firing the jump off the Receive Smart Link Reached event. The strange issue though, is the enemy always tries to jump “up”, to the “Start” smart link. Even stranger, this seems to only happen when the AI is trying to Chase my player. The Chase blueprint is a Task, in a Behavior Tree.
Meaning, when the AI is patrolling, it jumps down fine. And then when it sees my player, it jumps up fine. But the AI starts on the ledge, when it tries to Chase the player, it tries to jump up to the Start portion of the smart link, up on that same edge, instead of jumping down to chase. Both Tasks use AI Move To, and exit from the succeed node when this happens.
Any ideas? Thanks!