AI Issue with movement

I’m trying to get the AI to move towards this hut as part of a Tower Defense Simulator Game, but for the life of me I can’t get it to recognize it, I’ve tried everything, changing the type, different things, but I can’t get it. I am pretty new to UE5 so it could be a simple solution idrk thx b4 hand.

Do you have a navmesh in place?


It does go somewhere, but not to the mesh.

And I’m not 100% sure where it’s trying to go.

The navmesh should cover the entire level ideally, or at least any areas in Wich you want to use AI movement functions

Another thought is maybe your AI character is spawning before the cave actor so it’s returning a null location on begin play, try adding a few seconds delay at the beginning of your begin play functionality to troubleshoot this, also print nodes off of the location call to verify the location being returned

Along with the other suggestions that have been mentioned, you also need to make sure the character is properly possessed by an AIController.
There is a setting within a Pawns default properties that allows an AIController to automatically possess. (Assuming that your AI is a type of Pawn)

It covers the entire level.

I added a 5 seconds delay, and nothing happened