AI generated assets on FAB

Will current AI based assets be allowed to migrate from Art Station or Unreal Marketplace to FAB?

There’s a lot of AI “assets” on each marketplace now “500 pictures of ducks!” “1000 portraits of Vampires!” and these sellers are not self moderating by tagging it all as AI.

Will this be the same on FAB? How will it be different or better?

oh well - I was hoping it would be better moderated so quality efforts wouldn’t have to compete for discovery.

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Yes. The number of AI-generated “8000 Icon Pack” trash gumming up the storefront has gotten a bit out of hand already.


Hi @TeriyakiStyle and @Krabworks . I can understand the concern. Fab will have a search filter that allows someone browsing for products to exclude those that have been identified by their creators as created with AI.

If something seems to have been created with AI but it is not identified as such, you will be able to use our reporting features to flag it to our team for review.

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Thanks I’ll give it a try