AI for two players

Hi everyone, I have question about AI. I created an AI setup and it works well but the problem is I have two characters in my game and it works well for one for other it don’t work. Chasing, finding, hitting all of them work ok for one but the AI don’t even see the other chacter. By the way I already added the AIperceptionstimulisource for both of them. Do you have any ideas? Thanks.

can you show us the BP for some of it? might be a settings issue. I know for the AI perception stimuli source you need to have it auto-activate on spawn. alternatively its possible that on the ai’s end, ai perception needs to be told what team affiliation (yes this is old and somewhat awkward) it should pay attention to, by default it only can sense enemies, not neutrals (everything not assigned to a team) and friendlies.




I solved it. The problem was the blueprint code. I forgot to prepare a AI perception system for my second character. Thank you anyway.