AI dude stopped rotating

I had my AI working, then I done fudged up and apparently did something wrong and now my guy does not rotate.
I made sure Controller Rotation Yaw is disabled, Orient Rotation to Movement is disabled, and Use Controller Desired Rotation is enabled.
Those three options are the only “solutions” I can find online. I am testing my guy two ways, one is by setting up a ‘Focus’ task in my behavior tree and below is what that looks like.

My second test is to set the behavior tree to Rotate to face BB entry. Below is a screenshot of what I see when I hit the semicolon to view developer debug screen. You can see the rotate is working (sort of) and it calculates the angle of rotation, but the guy won’t rotate.

I can send more details or screen shots just tell me what you need to know.

The only way I could get him to rotate is to check Orient Rotation to Movement AND set him to run around. Even then my BT task Focus and Rotate to face BB entry still did not work.

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