AI Decorator At Location


I’m struggling to understand the behaviour of the “Is At Location” decorator.
It only works if the “Acceptable radius” is setted much more higher than I expected (50 is default)

Could you please tell me if this is intended?
Below 320 it does not work.


You have to remember 320 is only 320cm aka 3.2m so about 10 feet. Depending on your AIs collision that could be the size required.

Are you following a tutorial? Watch some of TeslaDevs AI tutorials as well as the offical epic games Advancded AI Twitch Training stream on YouTube and check out PeterLNewtons AI projects on the forums. This should teach you alot about AI.

Overal l though yes its completely intended, you need different radi for different sizes of AI.

Hope this helps
Don’t forget to accept an answer that best clears your question up or answers it so when the community finds your question in the future via search/google they know exactly what you did to fix it/get it going.


thx for the reply, think that makes it a bit more clear.
No since it is a very simple taks I am not following the tutorial but you are right, I will need to watch the twitch when going deeper into AI.

thanks a lot!