AI Controller not working


I’m having an issue getting an actor to move. I have did this in another project the same way with no problems but this time the enemy isn’t moving at all. I’ve got a NAVMESH in the game. I havce AIMoveTo with Self linked to the pawn pin and GetPlayerCharacter for the Target Actor. THe radius is set top 500. I’ve got a PrintString hooked into the OnFail and so can tell it isn’t failing. I have no idea why it’s not working.

If you’re referring to the acceptance radius, that’s the radius in which the AI counts the movement as a success. So you could try lowering that to 50 or something if you want it to move to the player. Though if that doesn’t work, it would be very helpful if you shared a screenshot of your blueprint code :blush:

Have you checked if GetPlayerCharacter is returning a location in the BehaviorTree? Also have you enabled Auto possess AI on the actor bp? :slight_smile:

I lowered the radius and now get failed messages

That’s actually a good thing otherwise it would be really awkward :sweat_smile:

Try what @JodieKitten suggested and if that’s also not the cause of the problem, make sure the navmesh bounds are accessible to the AI by clicking on the P key on your viewport. Also, make sure you have a navmesh recast in your world. And finally, make the AI to move to a set destination rather than the player and see what happens. Additionally, probably not related but remove that loop that gets triggered after the success pin. Instead, plug a “Finish Execute” node there and tick it’s success checkbox

@JodieKitten. DId as you suggested and checked the player controller. It is getting coordinates to my player, but the function is failing. I clicked P in the viewport to make sure the navmesh bounds are accessible. I have another project that this works, but not this one.

I noticed in your original post you mentioned you had “self” plugged into the AI move to, if this is in a BT execution event you’d want to plug in the controlled pawn, also in the destination vector, have you tried plugging in “get actor location” from your player character class?

You probably do but, could you make sure you got a navmesh recast in your world? Also forget about that finish execute thing I also though this was executed in a behavior tree, but still, I recommend breaking that loop. As for why it’s failing, you can check if your AI is set as an agent with custom settings.

I’m suspecting something. Can you create a new map, set up your navmesh and place a model there? Create a blueprint for it, and with no other unnecessary codes, try moving it to a set location and see what happens.

Thanks for all the advice. I just started learning to use this engine a month ago. I deleted and reinstalled the mesh and it was magically fixed. I’m not sure why. Thanks again.

To follow Player, AI Actor must have " pawn seeing " component ( easy to find via search ). And in complicated walk behavior you must built Behavior Tree and Blackboard.