I am doing a multiplayer game. I have created an AI that work really great… if you are the server.
In fact I used an AI that I had in pack that I bought in the marketplace.
So the problem is that in my AI blueprint, I do this :
So, for the server there is no problem, but for client the result of the cast is always failed. I tried to display what is the class that “GetAIController” return. For the server it display that it is a “BaseAIController”, for the client it display that it is nothing (null I think)
I have no idea how I can solve it. Does somebody has an idea how I can do to solve this problem ?
Server is the only one that should be doing any of the AI behavior. Client should not have access to it.
The character that is being controlled by the AI will be replicated to players, allowing every connected client to see the character and how it behaves.
Thank you for your answer.
So, I have another question in this case. How can I replicate attack animation ? because the server see it correctly so I thought that it was the reason why my client doesn’t see animation
Ok, I find the answer. In fact attack animation as nothing to do with the controller. My problem was that I was playing montage with a Behavior Tree Task (play montage node) and so the animation will not be replicated. Instead I used the AnimBP of my AI to play animation and now everybody can see it !
Thank you MajinSephiroth for your answer !