AI chase sequence bugs out; AI moves back and forth on the spot while trying to cross navlink (a doorway)

As shown in the linked video, I have programmed an AI to chase the player when it sees them. I then try to run away through a doorway, which has a navlink linking the two rooms navmesh together. however, sometimes the AI seems to get stuck walking on the spot while in the doorway as shown in the video, and from the debug screen it seems that it is repeatedly acquiring the targetActor as the player and as component0. Does anyone know what this means and how to make the AI path properly to chase the player through a doorway?
Additionally, the later part of the video shows that, even through a closed door, the AI seems to detect the player and change task from moverandom to movetoplayer even though the AI isn’t supposed to sense the player at all. Does anyone know what’s happening here?

Figured out why:

  1. The AI moves back and forth because of interference with the NavLink. May not be a solution but i resolved it by removing Navlinks altogether and using nav mesh modifiers.
  2. AI switches from moving to random position to move to last known location because of incorrect conditions in my behavior tree.

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