Hello, Recently i started to work again with behavior trees but i cant help but notice that my AI Behavior is very inconsistent, Right now the expected behavior is bots to spawn on the world, go inside a specific building (tavern) , Find an available seat that matches their race type (This is done iterating the focused room, looking into its component to find a seat and also using a Enum for the customer race type )
Now This works about half the times i hit the play button, the other half most of the Bots either dont pick a seat or stay outside, or move into the tavern / building but dont pick a seat and so on
I checked every line of code and added logs to make sure the behavior tree was running properly trough each task and it is but i cant nail why the AI is so inconsistent
This is how the tree looks right now
And here is the code for The relevant behavior tree tasks
EBTNodeResult::Type UTTBTTask_GetSeat::ExecuteTask(class UBehaviorTreeComponent* OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory)
UBehaviorTreeComponent* MyComp = OwnerComp;
UNavigationSystem* const NavSys = GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem();
ATTRoom* CustomerRoom = Cast<ATTRoom>(OwnerComp->GetBlackboardComponent()->GetValueAsObject("CurrentRoom"));
if (CustomerRoom)
UTTSeatComponent* Seat = CustomerRoom->GetRoomSeats(); // Get a pointer to a seat in the current room
if (Seat == nullptr) // if no seats available
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("Seat is nullptr"));
return EBTNodeResult::Failed;
if (Seat != nullptr) // if the seat is not taken
FVector Destination = Seat->GetComponentLocation(); // Grab its location
Seat->bTaken = true; // Mark the seat as Taken
uint8 BlackboardKeyID_SeatBool = OwnerComp->GetBlackboardComponent()->GetKeyID("bHasSeat"); // Get the int key for the bHasSeat blackboard value
OwnerComp->GetBlackboardComponent()->SetValueAsBool(BlackboardKeyID_SeatBool, true); // Since we have a seat, update the blackboard
NavSys->SimpleMoveToLocation(MyController, Destination); // Tell the Bot to go to the seat location
return EBTNodeResult::Succeeded;
return EBTNodeResult::Failed;
//TTRoom GetSeat
// getter functions
UTTSeatComponent* ATTRoom::GetRoomSeats()
int32 b = 0;
for (b; b < Seats.Num(); b++)
UTTSeatComponent* Seat = Seats**;
if (Seats**->bTaken == false) // if there is a seat that isnt taken on this room
return Seats**; // Then return the seat and stop looping trough the array
return nullptr; // No seat is available
EBTNodeResult::Type UTTBTTask_MoveToTheTavern::ExecuteTask(class UBehaviorTreeComponent* OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory)
UBehaviorTreeComponent* MyComp = OwnerComp;
for (TActorIterator<ATTRoom> ActorItr(GetWorld()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr) // loop trough all the rooms in the world
if (ActorItr) // if we find one
FVector Destination = ActorItr->GetActorLocation(); // get the tavern location
ATTRoom* Room = Cast<ATTRoom>(*ActorItr);
if (ActorItr->bIsSpawnRoom) // If its the spawn room then mark it in the blackboard
OwnerComp->GetBlackboardComponent()->SetValueAsObject("CurrentRoom", Room);
OwnerComp->GetBlackboardComponent()->SetValueAsVector("MoveToLocation", Destination); // and save its location for later use
return EBTNodeResult::Succeeded;
return EBTNodeResult::Failed;
As you can see in the above picture, Nearly all the bots took a seat but one of them is just standing in the initial spawn room…
So From looking at the behavior tree as soon a bot is spawned it:Goes trough the initial sequence and aborts itself after the Current Room has been set ( But the bot moves to the tavern as usual ), Then the tree runs trough the Take a seat and order a drink path (Bot moves into the race type room, but there is a weird chance once Get Seat is called ( Or Before ) That they just stand in the room doing absolutly nothing even though checking the behavior tree instance shows up that they do have a valid location for a seat and bHasSeat as true . As well there is a random chance that when i hit play AI Works perfectly and they each take a seat and show no issues…
If needed i can also provide a video showing the AI Behavior… Any help is always appreciated !