AI Actors getting stucked to stairway and other

I have difficulties to have right settings for AI actors so those dont get stucked especially to stairs and even when their are about to step to another object (or static mesh component on spline) sometimes the stuck. Its always some specific places were they get stucked, but havent figured out how to prevent it. Tried different settings in nav mesh and actor movement component. Also tweakd position for skeletan mesh and capsulecomponent that seem to have some effect. “Max Step Height” and “Walkable Floor Angles” dont seem to have effect.

Video of AI stucked on stairs (they can come down, but not get up)

Navmesh looks good, they walk normally from up to down

Collision is bit uneven, but even if making those connect clean AI may still get stuck

This spline mesh made location is also hard for AI. They stuck where they bluish line get across. Then slowly flow following it to the non-navmesh area from where they usually get moving again.

The brown actor in video normally walks on surface, but that also sometimes happen that they fall partly through the floor.

Looks like collision setup issues on the specific actors AI is falling through. If navmesh gets generated it means there is some walkable space for AI, and if there’s navmesh AI can generate paths, but a moving AI character still obeys game-world physics and fall through objects if collision is not set up properly. Are you using a custom setup of one of the default collision presets?



Thanks for reply, for capsule collision I use pawn collision. For Skeletal mesh, character mesh collision. The capsule radius was set 2 which seemed to make AI more likely to get up stairs without stucking. When set 20, they get first stuck again, but now after tweaking skeletal z-location its now looking good so far with BSP stairs and they havent falled into objects yet. As strange detail the skeletal mesh plays dropping animation in actor’s viewport. My all AI actors do that in their viewports, but thirdpersoncharater look normal. But doing more testing and reporting if still getting the issue.

Thanks for the tutorial videos btw. The Advanced AI session have been very handy to get started with AI editing.