Aggregate properties from a few actors to be controlled by a sceneManager actor

Hi there,

I work with Unreal for virtual production. Scenes often need quick adjustments on set in order to meet the creative director’s vision, and I’m building a tool to facilitate that.
My goal is to aggregate properties of a few actors in the scene to be controlled by a single sceneManager actor wich should be the only Actor edited on set.

  • This sceneManager needs to have a list of properties (int, float, position, rotation, color…).
  • The end user needs to be able to add a property to the list and reference it it to the desired actor and property (eg. add a float and link it to the intensity of the light of a given actor and component)
  • When a property is edited in the sceneManager, the referenced property in the scene should be updated and vice-versa.

Basically, I want my sceneManager actor to have a list of pointers to the target properties. I’d like to make these pointers links using either UI elements or a custom blueprint node on the sceneManager. I can’t afford to make a custom blueprint for each actor with an exposed property.

In other words : I’m trying to extend the behavior of AActor pointers to other data types.
eg : when declaring a list of pointers to AActor

  • it can be exposed to the UI using UPROPERTY()
    Annotation 2020-06-03 135520.png
  • the user can make and break the pointer references using the eyedropper icon in the GUI
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    I’m trying to code this king of interactions for other types such as int, float, color, position, rotation…

I don’t really know where to start, I’ll be glad if someone can point me in the right direction
I’m fairly new to Unreal but I’m a C++ programmer and I also have experience with Unity