After upgrading to newest version of UE5 i got this problem (screenshot)

Does anyone know fix for this issue please? I tried disable all plugins. Update drivers. Reinstal whole UE5. Nothing helped.

Try downgrading drivers, to studio.

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I find out that my studio drivers are not the newest ones so i already had them downgraded i guess, so i tried update them and still no change.

This sometimes helps people with the flickering menu problem, maybe it’s worth trying

Try this registry change, you need to reboot:

and / or

turn off G-SYNC in the NVIDIA system settings

Thanks for advice. Tried both and none of it worked. I tried to turn off nvidia experience overlay too and even that didnt do anything.

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What’s your GPU?


Did you problem get resolved?
I just got that same problem today!

Ok, the answer is

In the Nvidia control panel, 3D section, reset to defaults.

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Thank you!!!
It worked!!
By the way, do you know what caused this problem and why?
So that I can be more cautious.

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It’s just the options you set in the control panel aren’t compatible with the editor :slight_smile: