After migrating a project to 5.5, Interchange plugin generates a ton of warnings

I migrated my project from 5.4 to 5.5, and at startup I have a ton of warnings concerning all the materials that use Interchange (GLTF), as you can see:

LoadErrors: Warning: While trying to load package /Game/Assets/CameraPole/Mat/Material_001, a dependent package /Interchange/gltf/MaterialInstances/MI_Default_Opaque_DS was not available. Additional explanatory information follows:
FPackageName: Skipped package /Interchange/gltf/MaterialInstances/MI_Default_Opaque_DS has a valid, mounted, mount point but does not exist either on disk or in iostore. The uncooked file would be expected on disk at 'C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.5/Engine/Plugins/Interchange/Runtime/Content/gltf/MaterialInstances/MI_Default_Opaque_DS.uasset'. Perhaps it has been deleted or was not synced?
LogPackageName: Warning: GetLocalFullPath called on FPackagePath ../../Plugins/Interchange/Runtime/Content/gltf/MaterialInstances/MI_Default_Opaque_DS which has an unspecified header extension, and the path does not exist on disk. Assuming EPackageExtension::Asset.

And indeed the structure of the Interchange plugin folders is different between 5.5 and previous versions of Unreal. There is no longer a “gltf” folder in the Content folder, now everything is at the root of the plugin in a folder named “Assets”. Generating all these warnings.

My materials correctly point to the right functions or parent materials, I just haven’t found a way to remove all these warnings at startup.

Is the plugin " InterchangeAssets" activated in your project?


Is there a solution yet? I have the same error saying that some assets out of the “gltf” folder inside the Interchange Plugin is missing. I can’t open necessary files because of that.

For those who have this problem, right click on the Content folder (or the folder that is causing the problem), and do a “Resave All”. It’s fixed!