After making A new level can I use a different landscape material?

hey guys, I’m making a game that is switching from all different types of designs. My question is since all my levels will be different can I switch landscape Materials with each level without it Messing up my previous levels? Thanks for any help I can get.

Hey there!

Just to make sure I’m understanding you correctly - you want to use unique landscape materials with each of your levels since they will be different? If so then I don’t see why you can’t. You’d generally do that if the natural environment is different. However if your’e using the same exact natural style you really don’t need to make duplicates of your landscape mat.

Thanks for the reply, yes that’s right I’m making each level art a lot different. That’s why I’m curious if I can switch Landscape Materials since you can only use 3 at a time to paint and if you switch in the same lvl it erases all the pain you already done. Will it Erases all the painting that I did in my first level of i change it in the second is what I mean.

  • Only 3? why? You are not limited by material but by textures… and you can make multiple variations with 1 texture only…
  • You can use “material instances”

Thanks you, I just figured it out. Thanks for the advise