After localization, how to make changes to the original English text?


Localization works well with the localization dashboard, but anytime I want to change any of the English text in the game, the localized text for that text is lost. Everywhere I found that there’s this old method of using es-US-POSIX as a fake native culture, and that it’s no longer supported. So what’s the supported method?

I tried ticking the “Skip source check” checkbox, but seemingly nothing changes, whenever I export the .po files for the other languages, the changed text switches empty. (And when I change the original back, they appear again, so they are “remembered”.)

I also tried exporting an english .po file too, but that doesn’t help either.
What am I doing wrong?

I have the same problem with French culture also I use a workaround : I use Esperanto as native culture and English , French, … as other culture.
And I have no more issues : i can update my text in the game as I want and after all the native Esperanto and the cultures “non native” are updated automatically and I lost nothing (gather text) .

But I never update native Esperanto culture in the localisation dashboard : I let it as is. Esperanto is not available as language in the game, it is a hidden language.

After in the game if i want to see in the game the French language I set the “preview game language” in the editor settings:

Yeah, this does seem like the easiest solution. For fixing typos and small things anyway. (I just feel like “Skip source check” should do what I’m trying to do.)