Localization works well with the localization dashboard, but anytime I want to change any of the English text in the game, the localized text for that text is lost. Everywhere I found that there’s this old method of using es-US-POSIX as a fake native culture, and that it’s no longer supported. So what’s the supported method?
I tried ticking the “Skip source check” checkbox, but seemingly nothing changes, whenever I export the .po files for the other languages, the changed text switches empty. (And when I change the original back, they appear again, so they are “remembered”.)
I also tried exporting an english .po file too, but that doesn’t help either.
What am I doing wrong?
I have the same problem with French culture also I use a workaround : I use Esperanto as native culture and English , French, … as other culture.
And I have no more issues : i can update my text in the game as I want and after all the native Esperanto and the cultures “non native” are updated automatically and I lost nothing (gather text) .
But I never update native Esperanto culture in the localisation dashboard : I let it as is. Esperanto is not available as language in the game, it is a hidden language.
Yeah, this does seem like the easiest solution. For fixing typos and small things anyway. (I just feel like “Skip source check” should do what I’m trying to do.)