After importing the datasmith runtime, the program crashes when exiting the runtime.

When I import a simple model into the scene, there is no problem.
But if I try to import an entire scene at runtime, exit the runtime, or reset the datasmith runtime actor, the program will crash. And when I packaged the program, I also encountered an error message as follows:

Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Map.h] [Line: 656]

0x00007ff6f33a8a16 game.exe!DatasmithRuntime::FSceneImporter::DeleteAsset() []
0x00007ff6f33aa9dc game.exe!DatasmithRuntime::FSceneImporter::DeleteData() []
0x00007ff6f33f7abc game.exe!DatasmithRuntime::FSceneImporter::Tick() []
0x00007ff6fa3b9106 game.exe!FTickableGameObject::TickObjects() []
0x00007ff6f9712671 game.exe!UGameEngine::Tick() []
0x00007ff6f1a1728f game.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() []
0x00007ff6f1a3085e game.exe!GuardedMain() []
0x00007ff6f1a3093a game.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() []
0x00007ff6f1a33876 game.exe!LaunchWindowsStartup() []
0x00007ff6f1a452c4 game.exe!WinMain() []
0x00007ff6fb92541a game.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [D:\a_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]
0x00007ffa030b269d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ffa0508a9f8 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

The operation after import is ok, but it cannot exit normally. Even if I destroy all the additional actors of the datasmith runtime actor, reset the datasmith runtime actor will still result in an error.

I am using UE5.1.1 version.
Computer configuration:
amd 3900x
ddr4 3600 32G

Hello, I am getting same issue. Did you solve it?
Is there any workaround?

Not resolved.I have tried different methods,At present, I can only confirm that this issue will not be encountered when the datasmith folder has a capacity of less than 100M.

I have the same problem as yours, I want to try to split the datasmith file into 3 or 4 files.
Maybe in this way the problem would be solved.
But I don’t know how to split datasmith file without destroying the model data.