After expanding this macro, UFUNCION() disappeared. Is there a problem with what I wrote?

#define PROPERTY_GETTER(PropertyName)
auto Get##PropertyName#property() const {
return Property.PropertyName.Value;

I don’t see any backslashes there to escape the newlines, which should be causing you far more serious issues… but the code you posted is a empty macro followed by some code that should generate errors.

If the macro is multi-line, the end of each line that has another line following must have a \ at the end:

#define PROPERTY_GETTER(PropertyName)          \
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable)               \
	auto Get##PropertyName##Property() const { \
		return Property.PropertyName.Value;    \

(Edit: Fix copy paste error with second concat operator)

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And even if you’d written as @silnarm suggested, it wouldn’t work: the UHT don’t allow putting UFUNCTION(), UPROPERTY() and other UHT-specific macros inside of user macros: each of them have to be defined explicitely.

Though worth mention that such definition style is still valid for non-UFUNCTION() functions


the UHT

Yep, makes perfect sense considering what those macros are used for, I should have realised that.

Sorry, the '' is missing due to my editing.

Thank you

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