After create the C++ template project successfully, but unable open it in Ubuntu,

I native-compiled the UnrealEngine on my Ubuntu 20.04, and tried to generate a new C++ template project,after the project was generated, I try to open this project with UE4Editor by using this command:


but it popup a modal and give me this message:
the following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:
Would you like to rebuild them now?

And when I click ‘Yes’, the modal closed, but later jump up another modal, tells me:
Engine module are out of date, and cannot be compiled while the engine is running, Please build through your IDE.
Here is the full log of trying to open this project:
, Can someone tells me what is going on and how to solve it?

Here is the solution for windows,

Do the same with an alternative to VS Community available for Ubuntu.

Thanks for Ravi80335’s comment, base on the link he provided, I have managed to solve the issue.After some summary by other people’s answer, I wrote it into following steps, hope it helps you too if you have the same trouble like I did:

  1. Go to source folder, locate {nameofproject}.Target.cs and {nameofproject}Editor.Target.cs. After the line
    base(Target) {
    add to both file the following line:

DefaultBuildSettings =

  1. open Engine/Source/Developer/DesktopPlatform/Private/DesktopPlatformBase.cpp,
    change line :

Arguments += " -Progress
-NoEngineChanges -NoHotReloadFromIDE";
to this:
Arguments += " -Progress";

  1. enter the engine source code root directory, recompile the engine by execute the following commands in order:
  • ./
  • ./
  • make
  1. If you finished step3 with no error, reopen the project, when it popup the same old message “the following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: ${project_name}” again, click ‘yes’ to rebuild, now it should open the project normally.

Thanks a lot, the project now can be opened by UE4Editor