after added MetaHuman will have flickering

Good day, colleagues. I wanted to ask the following.
When I added Metahuman I will have flickering face mesh
Project UE5.4.2
Substrate materials

After testing : when I disable skin cache flickering lost
next step I check my ini file

r.SkinCache.RecomputeTangentsParallelDispatch=1 Causes a problem
The computation of tangents can be performed in parallel using multiple threads. but i have artifact

r.SkinCache.RecomputeTangentsParallelDispatch=0 if I disable. flicker lost

The parameter r.SkinCache.RecomputeTangentsParallelDispatch allows for parallel processing to recalculate tangents, which can improve performance when working with animated meshes in your Unreal Engine project. Enabling this parameter can be particularly beneficial for projects with heavy computational loads on animations.
How I can enable multithreading in my project and ensure that the parameter works correctly,