After addding custom controller player not being posssed

After ive added my own implementation of the player controller my pawn is spawned into the world but not posssed.

I dont really know what to do :S

I can see in my editor that it spawns the player but also spawns the spectator class. This is my BP_Playercontroller.cpp:

#include "Players/ABPlayerController.h"
#include "Players/ABPlayerState.h"
#include "UI/ABHUDWidget.h"
void AABPlayerController::CreateHUD()
	if (UIHUDWidget)

	if (!UIHUDWidgetClass)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("%s() Missing UIHUDWidgetClass. Please fill in on the Blueprint of the PlayerController."), *FString(__FUNCTION__));

	// Only create a HUD for local player
	if (!IsLocalPlayerController())

	// Need a valid PlayerState to get attributes from
	AABPlayerState* PS = GetPlayerState<AABPlayerState>();
	if (!PS)

	UIHUDWidget = CreateWidget<UABHUDWidget>(this, UIHUDWidgetClass);

	// Set attributes
	UIHUDWidget->SetHealthPercentage(PS->GetHealth() / FMath::Max<float>(PS->GetMaxHealth(), 1.f));

UABHUDWidget* AABPlayerController::GetHUD()
	return UIHUDWidget;

void AABPlayerController::OnPossess(APawn* InPawn)
	AABPlayerState* PS = GetPlayerState<AABPlayerState>();
	if (PS)
		// Init ASC with PS (Owner) and our new Pawn (AvatarActor)
		PS->GetAbilitySystemComponent()->InitAbilityActorInfo(PS, InPawn);

void AABPlayerController::OnRep_PlayerState()

	// For edge cases where the PlayerState is repped before the Hero is possessed.

My game mode and game state are blueprints that are mostly empty. The map i have only has a player start component (not the actual character).

Can anyone tell what ive might done wrong?