Advices to upgrade my PC for UE5

I need some advices to upgrade my PC in order to run UE5 editor smoother.
Up to now I haven’t thought about an upgrade even if I have long compile times.
Recently I am working on an open world settings and my rig really struggle to sculpt / modify a large landscape.

My current PC is not new and has the following specs:

  • AMD Ryzen 5 3600
  • 16 gb RAM
  • NVidia GeForce 1650 4GB
  • SATA SSD 500gb (in which UE5 is installed)
  • HDD 2 TB for storage
  • M2 SSD 250gb for the O.S. (Win 11)

Upgrading CPU or GPU is not on the list at the moment. I was thinking about doubling the RAM or upgrading the M2 SSD to 1 TB and moving Engine installation and project there. Which is the best option between the two in order to increase performance?
Thank you in advance.