Advice/Tips on Getting More Accurate Collision?

Hey there,

Was wondering if there’s a better way to get accurate collision on static mesh maps.

I’ve found a few instances where my character can clip through the sides and ground to see through the map. My map is a static mesh imported from Blender, with Complex Collision as Simple.

Any advice/tips would be helpful.


Complex as simple is the problem.

Make real collision hulls.
As simplified yet-correct as they can be.

Additionally. Make the character larger so it cannot clip the camera into the screen regardless of the FOV (or related, so high fov = fatter collision capsule).

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Hey thanks! Played around with the FOV and capsule size, gonna create collision hulls in a bit to test out as well.

Thank you for sharing!

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Btw, some times the engine hull generation is not horrible.

It mostly depends on both engine version and your model.

Within persona (the mesh editor) you can access the generate collisions panel, set the limits of hull count and vert count, etc, click generate, and see what the engine comes up with via the automated (but manually controlled by you) system.

Personally, I generally do it manually, because after years i built my own pyton algorhitms to make them happen.
But, in a pinch the .27 generator works Ok.

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