First time posting here. I’m having an issue where I cannot seem to get root motion in Unreal 5 to work.
I’m using Maya and Advanced Skeleton for rigging and animation. For context: I’m following a (blueprint) tutorial to make my character climb over short walls using line-tracing. My issue is that everything was going fine until the character climbs over the wall from A to B. Once over the wall she teleports back to position ”A”. Which leads me to believe that something is up with the root joint? As a note; I created a Root Motion Joint under Advanced Skeleton’s Game Engine options on my rig (post skinning).
I’ve enabled Root motion on the animation in UE5 but this doesn’t make a difference. I then looked at the skeletal animation for this in UE5 and saw that the UnrealRoot appears to be left behind when the animation of the character moves forward (screeshot1) which I think is the issue. Checking the Capsule Component in-game she steps outside of it (screenshot2). I also did a test by animating only the character:Main controller (this remained at 0,0,0 in my original animation) from A to B but the same thing happens in Unreal (screenshot3).
I’ve not had this issue with my idle and walk/run animations as they have been animated at 0,0,0 in Maya. It’s only where I need to animate the character moving beyond 0,0,0. This being the first time. I’m also not a animator so I’m not sure if I’m using the rig 100% correctly.
Any help would be most appreciated as I’m pulling what little hair that I have out.