Advanced Skeleton root motion help


First time posting here. I’m having an issue where I cannot seem to get root motion in Unreal 5 to work.

I’m using Maya and Advanced Skeleton for rigging and animation. For context: I’m following a (blueprint) tutorial to make my character climb over short walls using line-tracing. My issue is that everything was going fine until the character climbs over the wall from A to B. Once over the wall she teleports back to position ”A”. Which leads me to believe that something is up with the root joint? As a note; I created a Root Motion Joint under Advanced Skeleton’s Game Engine options on my rig (post skinning).

I’ve enabled Root motion on the animation in UE5 but this doesn’t make a difference. I then looked at the skeletal animation for this in UE5 and saw that the UnrealRoot appears to be left behind when the animation of the character moves forward (screeshot1) which I think is the issue. Checking the Capsule Component in-game she steps outside of it (screenshot2). I also did a test by animating only the character:Main controller (this remained at 0,0,0 in my original animation) from A to B but the same thing happens in Unreal (screenshot3).

I’ve not had this issue with my idle and walk/run animations as they have been animated at 0,0,0 in Maya. It’s only where I need to animate the character moving beyond 0,0,0. This being the first time. I’m also not a animator so I’m not sure if I’m using the rig 100% correctly.

Any help would be most appreciated as I’m pulling what little hair that I have out.


hey there, not sure if you ever figured it out, i saw this same post on reddit with a very confusing answer. My solution to this is simple. When you get advanced skeleton to add the control rig, for some reason the root control at the bottom doesn’t move the root like you would expect. I just selected that control and selected my root joint IN THE EXPORT RIG, not the proxy that it generates, and parent constrained with offset. now when you move that control you’ll actually be moving the root.
Now if you’re working with premade animations and you’re trying to get the root to follow I would just make a separate control spline thats outside of the control rig hierarchy and parent contrain the export root joint to that guy and then you’ll need to manually track it with the rest of your controls which is easily done with a follow script. Thats what I’d do anyways. Hope it helps!

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