Advanced Sessions with Steam, Can't find session!

(Can you teach me how real game devs find solutions to problems?) I always google, even after posting in this forum.

I made everything by following tutorials, dissecting and testing.

  1. Session can be found when I play the game in the editor’s standalone mode with 2 windows in offline.

  2. Session can be found with packaged project with two computers on same network (bear in mind I have not enabled LAN for the Session)

  3. The hosted session can’t be found: I was lucky enough to find 3 strangers who wanted to help me test my multiplayer and what I found out is that

  4. Session can’t be found by user in same region but on different network.

Is there anyone out there in blueprint world who can help me? :confused: I only want to make multiplayer games. (at least for now)

If you know a place where I can read up on how to use Advanced Sessions please do link, all I found was complicated tutorials on youtube. I had to do everything they did then dismantle it all to barebones version so I can actually understand it. I can’t wait to fix this issue.

I uploaded screenshots of the simple stuff that I use for now.

Latest EDIT: It’s not me, it’s the tutorials and documentations.
I have enabled steam and advanced session plugins, added the stuff to DefaultEngine.ini and even created a blank c++ as suggested for Advanced Sessions.

BUMP: Can anyone direct me to a tutorial that teaches the correct way to do this?

How the hell are all of you doing it?

It’s ridiculous how many people ask help about this and never get an answer, I’ve seen posts many years old. Non of the tutorials teaching about sessions even show it working with the game packaged on different networks.

Are projects with appID 480 not supposed to work between computers on different networks? I am not talking about region lock here.

Have you tried with your own appID? Could be some limitations for 480.

No, but non of the tutorials I watched, or the ue4 documentation, says to use your own appID, I don’t even know how to get one, and I’ve seen people claim it works with 480. Is the appID the only problem?

Did you ever get this working? I am having the same issues, can open it up with the steam overlay working. Can find and join a game on the same network, but when trying to connect to a friend on a different network, I cannot find games.

Dang nobody is gonna respond, same problem here. I’ve got a game coming out in less than 3 weeks on Steam, and can’t get multiplayer working.

There are a number of things you need to get right here. First, you need your own Steam app id. Next, you need to set the number public and private connections when you create an advanced session to the maximum players you want in a game, ensure use presence and should advertise is checked, while use LAN is unchecked. In find sessions advanced, best to set client servers only for the server types, unless you really are using dedicated servers. Then, you’ll need two separate Steam accounts on two separate computers to test your game, and both accounts need to reside in the same download region. And yes, this was a painful process of discovery.

Follow this guys tutorial UE4 Tutorial | Steam Friends | Inviting and Accepting Requests - YouTube , and you will be able to connect, to find a session you need to setup a widget that displays the server name from a variable where you get and set the session from a for each loop. Call that variable in the widget child that gets the servers.

In the example above I have built a search feature that allows players to search for a Hosted Game, A Dedicated Server, or by the Server Name.

I used ID480 to test my project and created a dedicated server, but now I can only search for it on lan and cannot see it on the Internet. Is this the reason for 480?

You have to port forward your router, then start the server on one computer, and search for it on a second computer, preferably one that is not on your LAN. Be sure that both computers are connected to separate Steam Accounts when you test.

Since that was an issue for me and I believe some people like myself will be stumbling upon this, here’s what helped me.

I changed the package setting from ‘Shipping’ to ‘Development’. Also, don’t forget to go to Steam > Preferences > Downloads and check that you and the person testing have the same region set. After doing so I was able to connect with my friend although the ping was quite high

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i have the same problem, UE4.27

There are actual issues with the UE4.27 Online Subsystem steam module that also contribute to some of the confusion. I hope this finds you guys well and helps overcome some of the issues.

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