Advanced Sessions Plugin

Hi i try to use it Advanced Sessions Plugin in 4.18 version of the VR Expansion Plugin

But if i click button Host game nothing happens there is no signal from Succsess or Not Sucsess in 4.19 Version work for me.

[quote=“Mallory85, post:1848, topic:30020”]

Hi i try to use it Advanced Sessions Plugin in 4.18 version of the VR Expansion Plugin

But if i click button Host game nothing happens there is no signal from Succsess or Not Sucsess in 4.19 Version work for me.

its defaulted to steam in that package, you are going to need it running in the background.

Also last I knew the steam VR home enviroment crashes the steam subsystem if its not ran through the steam client.

Hi there, Im still having problems with Advanced Sessions or Spacewars ID.
What could I try?

My problem was that Create Advanced Sessions got created fine and I can start the server/hosting but sometimes Find Sessions Advanced can find it and sometimes not. When its impossible to Find the session, I will not be able to find it unless I press Alt F4 the server/hosting and re create the server one more time.

Is it a SpaceWars problem? Is it a Find Sessions problem or a Create Sessions?
I swear this problem was not present before the upgrade I did of my project from 4.18.3 to 4.19.2

[quote=“gon, post:1850, topic:30020”]

Hi there, Im still having problems with Advanced Sessions or Spacewars ID.
What could I try?

My problem was that Create Advanced Sessions got created fine and I can start the server/hosting but sometimes Find Sessions Advanced can find it and sometimes not. When its impossible to Find the session, I will not be able to find it unless I press Alt F4 the server/hosting and re create the server one more time.

Is it a SpaceWars problem? Is it a Find Sessions problem or a Create Sessions?
I swear this problem was not present before the upgrade I did of my project from 4.18.3 to 4.19.2

If you see them ever then no its not a problem with the find or create nodes. I can’t really tell you anything because I don’t know what is causing you to not be able to see the servers.

If there are no errors logged, and find sessions is returning no values, then steam is just not returning any valid results to you.

Uploaded the pre-packaged 4.20 zip file, locked 4.19 to its own branch and merged 4.20 into master.

Trying to use 4.20 and having an issue with FindAdvancedSessions always returning 0 sessions, using an app specific Steam ID. The same project works fine with 4.19.2. Also tried using findsessions and get the same results. Anyone else seen this?

In addition a few header paths needed patching in the advanced sessions files so all onlinesessioninterfaces*.h needed to be Interfaces/onlinsesssionsinterface*.h. Not sure if this is unique to my build config.

I’ve found the problem which is to do with building unreal from source. It’s fine with the prebuilt version. For the moment the workaround is to override the buildid in the defaultengine.ini for the project:


[quote=“jimsnomis, post:1853, topic:30020”]

Trying to use 4.20 and having an issue with FindAdvancedSessions always returning 0 sessions, using an app specific Steam ID. The same project works fine with 4.19.2. Also tried using findsessions and get the same results. Anyone else seen this?

In addition a few header paths needed patching in the advanced sessions files so all onlinesessioninterfaces*.h needed to be Interfaces/onlinsesssionsinterface*.h. Not sure if this is unique to my build config.

I already went through and replaced all of the ones it warned about…there were more, I went through and added the full path to all of them now. UBT plays some weird tricks since it wasn’t caring about the rest of them.

As for finding sessions, I did a lot of recent multiplayer testing in 4.20 just fine, I did not test with a specific AppID, however they did make backend changes for Steam Authentication in 4.20.

Thanks for the info, it’s a Steam specific thing, you can test with -nosteam and all the multiplayer stuff works fine. Just running with Steam, the server never gets found. Digging a bit to see what’s happening.

[quote=“jimsnomis, post:1855, topic:30020”]

Thanks for the info, it’s a Steam specific thing, you can test with -nosteam and all the multiplayer stuff works fine. Just running with Steam, the server never gets found. Digging a bit to see what’s happening.

Is it a dedicated server? If so it is likely checking for user auth now.

Edit Actually…it shouldn’t get to the auth phase until join, you should still be receiving session results.

Hey i downloaded AdvancedSessions for 4.20 but when i want to package it for windows, it tells me it’s missing AdvancedSession.precompiled

Do i need to compile it first? If yes, how exactly to do this?

I am using VS2017 if thats matter and i installed c++ game/desktop aswell.

Greetings from Vienna

Hello everyone! im really fond of working with this plugin, it simplifies code a lot.

But i have an important question about dedicated servers. Am i actually able to create more than one dedicated server on one OS

When i was digging in it, i found that i actually can, but unfortunately i have no clue how implement this in BP code. I mean, how exactly can i tell my dedicated server that i want to create a session for a specific map?

The answer would have been really appreciated, cause regretfully i cannot find any information:(

I’ve downloaded on 2018-07-22 and it didn’t work. Game build packaging failed due to missing: “OnlineUserInterface.h”, “OnlineMessageInterface.h”, “OnlinePresenceInterface.h”, “UObjectIterator”.

To fix just edit “AdvancedSessions\AdvancedSteamSessions\Source\AdvancedSteamSessions\Classes*AdvancedSteamFriendsLibrary.h*” and update 9-15 lines.

#include "**Interfaces**/OnlineFriendsInterface.h"
#include "**Interfaces**/OnlineUserInterface.h"
#include "**Interfaces**/OnlineMessageInterface.h"
#include "**Interfaces**/OnlinePresenceInterface.h"
#include "Engine/GameInstance.h"
#include "Interfaces/OnlineSessionInterface.h"
#include "**UObject**/UObjectIterator.h"

how do you call an event on a character bp when the character connects / spawns in

@WoofyJalapeno beginplay will occur in the pawn/character as it is respawned by default on joining a new level/session.

Otherwise you can handle OnPostLogin in the gamemode on the server and add a custom event in the playercontroller and call it as run on owning client only, then handle that in the client.

Thanks guys, you are the most handsome man in the world.

[quote=“Elitic, post:1859, topic:30020”]

I’ve downloaded on 2018-07-22 and it didn’t work. Game build packaging failed due to missing: “OnlineUserInterface.h”, “OnlineMessageInterface.h”, “OnlinePresenceInterface.h”, “UObjectIterator”.

To fix just edit “AdvancedSessions\AdvancedSteamSessions\Source\AdvancedSteamSessions\Classes*AdvancedSteamFriendsLibrary.h*” and update 9-15 lines.

#include "**Interfaces**/OnlineFriendsInterface.h"
#include "**Interfaces**/OnlineUserInterface.h"
#include "**Interfaces**/OnlineMessageInterface.h"
#include "**Interfaces**/OnlinePresenceInterface.h"
#include "Engine/GameInstance.h"
#include "Interfaces/OnlineSessionInterface.h"
#include "**UObject**/UObjectIterator.h"

Yeah I went through and finished the ones that weren’t already updated to the new paths a couple of days ago.

I also did upload a new version for that too, guess I missed a file.

Really annoying that include path requirements not only changed in 4.20 but that they are inconsistent across installations. I’ll edit that file too if I missed it.

Edit Yeah re-compiling the binaries, will upload when it is done.

[quote=“, post:1863, topic:30020”]

Yeah I went through and finished the ones that weren’t already updated to the new paths a couple of days ago.

I also did upload a new version for that too, guess I missed a file.

Really annoying that include path requirements not only changed in 4.20 but that they are inconsistent across installations. I’ll edit that file too if I missed it.

Looks like it’s fine when you include AdvancedSessions as a plugin in the project but not when included as part of the engine build. Somehow the include search paths are different.

[quote=“Agent006, post:1858, topic:30020”]

Hello everyone! im really fond of working with this plugin, it simplifies code a lot.

But i have an important question about dedicated servers. Am i actually able to create more than one dedicated server on one OS

When i was digging in it, i found that i actually can, but unfortunately i have no clue how implement this in BP code. I mean, how exactly can i tell my dedicated server that i want to create a session for a specific map?

The answer would have been really appreciated, cause regretfully i cannot find any information:(

You need to run on different open ports, other than that the session creation and specifics don’t change.

Sessions don’t care about maps either.

Update to Editor 4.20.1 ?

Is it suitable only for steam or I can use it for any platform?