Advanced Sessions Plugin

Hi, I am make a steam-based game using Plugin. When I invite my steam friend, demand goes to him. You can enter SpaceWar when you accept the invitation. However, OnSessionInviteAccepted has not been triggered, so I can not join. Thanks in advance.

Pre-packaged binaries for 4.19 release are uploaded

[quote=“Erdemacr, post:1747, topic:30020”]

Hi, I am make a steam-based game using Plugin. When I invite my steam friend, demand goes to him. You can enter SpaceWar when you accept the invitation. However, OnSessionInviteAccepted has not been triggered, so I can not join. Thanks in advance.

Make sure you are using the correct game instance

Thanks for the ongoing support mate :slight_smile:

Yeah, thanks alot dude.

I’m new to multiplayer, so I’d like to know if there is a way to use the advanced sessions plugin to connect with other people (and most importantly have VOIP), but without using Steam online subsystem. I know that the onlinesubsystemNull only allows LAN connections, but does this plugin allow online matchmaking.

The way I’ve been connecting when I tested (without any onlinesubsystem) is by using the open level node and entering the IP address of the server machine.

Here is a print screen of how I do the joining:


[quote=“zaksi, post:1753, topic:30020”]

I’m new to multiplayer, so I’d like to know if there is a way to use the advanced sessions plugin to connect with other people (and most importantly have VOIP), but without using Steam online subsystem. I know that the onlinesubsystemNull only allows LAN connections, but does this plugin allow online matchmaking.

The way I’ve been connecting when I tested (without any onlinesubsystem) is by using the open level node and entering the IP address of the server machine.

Here is a print screen of how I do the joining:


If you use a master server subsystem then yes, there was one floating around but i’m pretty sure it is massively out of date now.

The plugin doesn’t add a subsystem, it exposed subsystem features to blueprint that normally are not.

There are multiple platforms besides steam that have subsystems now though, you can pick and choose or use a custom one.

I use the blueprint normal… I use the source code compiled engine, use the plugn, can search in the editor to join, but not packaged. use 4.14 source code~!

[quote=“like3727, post:1755, topic:30020”]

I use the blueprint normal… I use the source code compiled engine, use the plugn, can search in the editor to join, but not packaged. use 4.14 source code~!

If you are packaging shipping then you need an Appi_ID.txt file in your .exe directory.

I know there is no Host migration in UE4 yet, but anyone know how to make your own Host migration ?
even with blueprint .
Any clue, tips would be good

Quick Q: When inviting friends, the Steam UI shows info like “Away” or “Playing [whatever]”. Is there a way to get this info as a string, or similar, in BP?

Also, if an invite is sent using the Steam UI, is there a way to get the UniqueNetID of the friend that was invited? I’ve had to roll my own system for private/passworded servers and I want to whitelist their Net ID if they were invited.

[quote=“Shivan_Hunter, post:1758, topic:30020”]

Quick Q: When inviting friends, the Steam UI shows info like “Away” or “Playing [whatever]”. Is there a way to get this info as a string, or similar, in BP?

Also, if an invite is sent using the Steam UI, is there a way to get the UniqueNetID of the friend that was invited? I’ve had to roll my own system for private/passworded servers and I want to whitelist their Net ID if they were invited.

Through the overlay no, not currently without edits to the subsystem, if there even is a event fired for that on the inviter’s side in steam SDK (haven’t checked).

The current status is available in the steam friend info struct.

If some of us have same join/host system with advanced sessions what would stop us from finding each other server?


I was tasked into adding multiplayer support and friend list for our game, we are on a custom 4.16.3 where we had to do some tiny fixes to the engine.

When i try to integrate your Advanced Sessions plugin i get compilation errors. Is this because your plugin is for 4.16.2 ?

[quote=“MaxPainDigx, post:1762, topic:30020”]


I was tasked into adding multiplayer support and friend list for our game, we are on a custom 4.16.3 where we had to do some tiny fixes to the engine.

When i try to integrate your Advanced Sessions plugin i get compilation errors. Is this because your plugin is for 4.16.2 ?

Depends on the errors, if you are trying to directly use the pre-built binaries then you will need to manually compile the engine because source builds are not the same as launcher builds, and the moment you re-compile a source build the plugin also needs re-compiled to target it.

[quote=“Klenjanin, post:1761, topic:30020”]

If some of us have same join/host system with advanced sessions what would stop us from finding each other server?

Either the subsystem not loading correctly (check logs), or region locking getting in the way with the default Steam AP ID

Hi , thanks again for the work you have put into this plugin, i was wondering if theres any way you could work in an way so steam sessions pings don’t always read 9999 ? cheers.

How exactly do the Extra Settings function from a backend perspective? We’re using a custom OSS and Extra Settings don’t seem to save properly when using our own OSS. I have tested it with OSS Null and it does indeed save there.

[quote=“OverRated_AU, post:1765, topic:30020”]

Hi , thanks again for the work you have put into this plugin, i was wondering if theres any way you could work in an way so steam sessions pings don’t always read 9999 ? cheers.

No, would have to implement a ping back system, steam lobbies don’t provide pings.

There is actually a nice writeup about it too:

[quote=“Mootjuh, post:1766, topic:30020”]

How exactly do the Extra Settings function from a backend perspective? We’re using a custom OSS and Extra Settings don’t seem to save properly when using our own OSS. I have tested it with OSS Null and it does indeed save there.

FOnlineSessionSettings contains

    /** Array of custom session settings */
    FSessionSettings Settings;

The extra settings are added to that array, it is up to the subsystem to correctly parse that array and send it on if it is capable of doing it.

CreateSession in the session interface passes in the FOnlineSessionSettings structure that contains that array.