Advanced Sessions Plugin

I have an errors. What can i do with that?
Plugin path: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Plugins\AdvancedSessions


Updated download for 4.15 to 4.15.3 and fixed some of the OnPlayerJoinStatechanged event variables being input instead of output.

4.16 version will be updated shortly when all 10 engine builds finish.

I think the 4.16 link is invalid, it goes to some VR plugin.

I think the 4.16 link is invalid, it goes to some VR plugin.

yeah, wrong plugin. =(

This plugin is so awesome, why it isn’t bundled with unreal? =P

Can get it from his repo,

just need to compile it

Sorry about that, I mixed up my zip files this morning when compiling and uploading all of my plugins.

I’ll re-package and upload 4.16 release tonight.

Can get it from his repo,

just need to compile it

now I just need a tutorial on how to compile :rolleyes: :smiley:

Fixed, 4.16 version re-uploaded, correct plugin zip this time :rolleyes:

Fixed, 4.16 version re-uploaded, correct plugin zip this time :rolleyes:

thank you very much sir!

Thanks !

Hi :D, I find your plugin very useful powerful and wonderful, it works great on my project. Thanks! But I got a problem when I opened up my project with the Engine that I compiled from source code. An error dialog showed up and said there were missing or incompatible modules in Advanced Session Plugin. Then I searched google and found someone posted a solution: place the plugin in the engine plugins folder before compile the engine.And I did , it worked. But when I try to package the project an error pop up:Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.AutomationException: Staging manifest already contains E:\UE4Projects\Multiplayers\MultiPlayers.uproject (or a file that differs in case only) . This error makes me crazy… ,could you please give me some advise ?
Thank you :smiley:

Thank you very much, you rock! <3

you’re a superhero in UE4 world! Thank you so much for doing this.

One thing that I still don’t understand is how to mute the opposing team. I’m doing it like this in PlayerCharacterBP:

“Mute the Other Team” event gets called from GameInstance when new round starts.

But it seems everyone gets muted. If I don’t replicate the event nobody gets muted.

Has anyone created a Dedicated server with this plugin and steam working?

Receiving an error after upgrading the project to 4.16 and upgrading the plugin.

Is there an issue with the current build?

hey brian,

i have a compile error too when i compile my project for 4.16.


>C:\Users\Toni\Documents\Unreal Projects\UnrealBros\Plugins\Network\AdvancedSessions\Source\AdvancedSessions\Private\FindFriendSessionCallbackProxy.cpp(11): error C2665: “TBaseDelegate<TTypeWrapper<void>,int32,bool,const TArray<FOnlineSessionSearchResult,FDefaultAllocator> &>::CreateUObject”: Durch keine der 2 Überladungen konnten alle Argumenttypen konvertiert werden.
2>C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16_C\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates/DelegateSignatureImpl.inl(286): note: kann “TBaseDelegate<void,int32,bool,const TArray<FOnlineSessionSearchResult,FDefaultAllocator> &> TBaseDelegate<TTypeWrapper<void>,int32,bool,const TArray<FOnlineSessionSearchResult,FDefaultAllocator> &>::CreateUObject<UFindFriendSessionCallbackProxy,>(UserClass ,void (__cdecl UFindFriendSessionCallbackProxy:: )(int32,bool,const TArray<FOnlineSessionSearchResult,FDefaultAllocator> &) const)” sein
2> with
2> UserClass=UFindFriendSessionCallbackProxy
2> ]
2>C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16_C\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates/DelegateSignatureImpl.inl(277): note: oder “TBaseDelegate<void,int32,bool,const TArray<FOnlineSessionSearchResult,FDefaultAllocator> &> TBaseDelegate<TTypeWrapper<void>,int32,bool,const TArray<FOnlineSessionSearchResult,FDefaultAllocator> &>::CreateUObject<UFindFriendSessionCallbackProxy,>(UserClass ,void (__cdecl UFindFriendSessionCallbackProxy:: )(int32,bool,const TArray<FOnlineSessionSearchResult,FDefaultAllocator> &))”
2> with
2> UserClass=UFindFriendSessionCallbackProxy
2> ]

Has anyone created a Dedicated server with this plugin and steam working?

Not possible without steam authentication.

[QUOTE=Brian Aldridge;714765]
Receiving an error after upgrading the project to 4.16 and upgrading the plugin.

Is there an issue with the current build?

hey brian,

i have a compile error too when i compile my project for 4.16.

i have figured out the problem. the newest release on bitbucket has no compile errors.

you can find it here:

In FindFriendSessionCallbackProxy.h changing
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FBlueprintFindFriendSessionDelegate, const TArray<FBlueprintSessionResult>, SessionInfo);
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FBlueprintFindFriendSessionDelegate, const TArray<FBlueprintSessionResult>&, SessionInfo);
fixes the problem and it no longer produces error in the blueprint

Not possible without steam authentication.

Thats not true, you can make a dedicated server without authentication, but you can’t AUTHENTICATE users as valid owners of your game, so pirated copies would be able to play on those servers.

In FindFriendSessionCallbackProxy.h changing
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FBlueprintFindFriendSessionDelegate, const TArray<FBlueprintSessionResult>, SessionInfo);
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FBlueprintFindFriendSessionDelegate, const TArray<FBlueprintSessionResult>&, SessionInfo);
fixes the problem and it no longer produces error in the blueprint

Thanks, yeah the ampersand went missing somehow, i’ll upload the fixed version and update the repository.

Must have been a miss-key before uploading because my test project was clean.

Edit Uploaded