Advanced Sessions Plugin

Ah thanks for the info was going to ask what the dedicated server Boolean on the Create Advanced Session is meant for seeing if your creating a session from blueprint it will be a listen server or does this create a server along side the client?

Dedicated on the blueprints just flags the session as dedicated on creation, each subsystem can handle this differently. Steam if that flag is set uses an entirely different method of server hosting on the back end (their hosting system is split between lobbies and real dedicated servers).

Its exposed because the default nodes don’t even have the option, you don’t have to make a c++ session with dedicated servers, you can still use the Sessions Plugin if you wish.

The authentication is optional, but optionally important, if there is no steam authentication then it can’t validate players connecting to dedicated servers as being actual owners of the game. Someone could download your game client with steam disabled, load up and connect to the dedicated server without actually owning it and the server wouldn’t know it.

When authentication is setup the server will check with Steam whether the connecting player has a valid copy of the game before letting them in to the server.

Dedicated on the blueprints just flags the session as dedicated on creation, each subsystem can handle this differently. Steam if that flag is set uses an entirely different method of server hosting on the back end (their hosting system is split between lobbies and real dedicated servers).

Its exposed because the default nodes don’t even have the option, you don’t have to make a c++ session with dedicated servers, you can still use the Sessions Plugin if you wish.

The authentication is optional, but optionally important, if there is no steam authentication then it can’t validate players connecting to dedicated servers as being actual owners of the game. Someone could download your game client with steam disabled, load up and connect to the dedicated server without actually owning it and the server wouldn’t know it.

When authentication is setup the server will check with Steam whether the connecting player has a valid copy of the game before letting them in to the server.

So if i wanted to use authentication i need to use that pull request? another thing i wanted to ask is, if i wanted to add password locks on servers is it safe to just pass that info through the server settings and compare it on the other side for the client? cheers.

So if i wanted to use authentication i need to use that pull request? another thing i wanted to ask is, if i wanted to add password locks on servers is it safe to just pass that info through the server settings and compare it on the other side for the client? cheers.

No, it would not be safe, you are giving the password to them then.

You would want a one way encryption if you did it like that, and even then they could filter out that password denial and continue connecting.

No, it would not be safe, you are giving the password to them then.

You would want a one way encryption if you did it like that, and even then they could filter out that password denial and continue connecting.

Does steam authentication also make it so that GetCurrentPlayers() returns the correct value?

Does steam authentication also make it so that GetCurrentPlayers() returns the correct value?


His pull may fix that, but it has nothing to do with that.

Pushed a new commit supporting 4.16 in the plugin and uploaded the 4.16 preview binaries.

Pushed a new commit supporting 4.16 in the plugin and uploaded the 4.16 preview binaries.

Awesome Work :). Can help find any new issues

Hi I am currently building a online game in C++ with me and my team and i have been looking around yet have not found the answer and was hopping you could help.

When creating a server how would one set up their files so that you can input and receive the server name for a server browser? as of right now all i get is the name of the my PC for the sever and not the name i set when creating the session.

Hi I am currently building a online game in C++ with me and my team and i have been looking around yet have not found the answer and was hopping you could help.

When creating a server how would one set up their files so that you can input and receive the server name for a server browser? as of right now all i get is the name of the my PC for the sever and not the name i set when creating the session.

Got it working :smiley:

Quick question: how can I set up “networked voice” be spatial like any other sound? So that if a person talks from the other side of the room I would hear him less than the one standing next to me.


Quick question: how can I set up “networked voice” be spatial like any other sound? So that if a person talks from the other side of the room I would hear him less than the one standing next to me.


With direct engine modification currently. There is no outside access to the voice data available without re-writing parts of the voice engine and most of the steam plugin.

Hey, Quick question:

Is it possible to handle when user disconnected(kicked\leave\server disconnected) session, and open another Map (not default) for this user ?


UPD: Currently i trying to use APlayerController::EndPlay

Hi, is it possible to search and auto join to random session? //nvm I found tutorial

I have another question, how to host game session and listen for clients without opening level? I mean I want to be on the “lobby level” and after click “host game” I want to stay where I am without opening this level again. How to call “listen” function without using “open level” node?

How could i install this plugin on a mac?

How could i install this plugin on a mac?

You’d have to manually build the source, I don’t have a mac to compile on.

Updated download for 4.15 to 4.15.3 and fixed some of the OnPlayerJoinStatechanged event variables being input instead of output.

4.16 version will be updated shortly when all 10 engine builds finish.

Quick question: how can I set up “networked voice” be spatial like any other sound? So that if a person talks from the other side of the room I would hear him less than the one standing next to me.


this would be amazing if it was exposed

Is it me or does the download link for 4.16 point to VRExpansionPlugin?

Keep up the good work!

Yes. It seems the link for the 4.16 version is incorrect.

Love the plugin but am having trouble getting it to build for 4.16. I think you may have included the wrong link for 4.16. It goes to a VR plugin.