Advanced Sessions Plugin


[2015.08.06-02.13.37:252][462]LogOnline:Warning: Async task ‘FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamStoreStats SessionName: Game bWasSuccessful: 0’ completed in 5.131915 seconds with 0

Is a little weird, i’ll check on it tomorrow, do you have any specifics about what you do differently? It appears to have stalled out creating the session but that should throw the “Failed” result, not crash. Is this the latest version with the new extra settings array’s or the one before that I uploaded with just the dedicated server changes?


Opened up my project and ran the session creation through with/without dedicated settings, with/without player controller and in all configurations with/without steam. Couldn’t reproduce the crash. Any more information would be helpful in knowing if it is a crash with the plugin or not.

When i try to join a session with the new plugin version i get a travel failure PendingNetGameCreateFailure.

[2015.08.06-06.32.42:311][817]LogScript:Warning: Found a session. Ping is 9999[2015.08.06-06.32.51:992][909]LogNet: Browse: steam.76561198091341290//Game/Maps/MainMenu
[2015.08.06-06.32.52:020][909]LogInit: SteamSockets: Socket queue 32768 / 32768
[2015.08.06-06.32.52:021][909]LogNet:Warning: Failed to init net driver ConnectURL: steam.76561198091341290//Game/Maps/MainMenu: SteamSockets: binding to port 0 failed (0)
[2015.08.06-06.32.52:021][909]LogNet:Warning: error initializing the network stack
[2015.08.06-06.32.52:021][909]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver IpNetDriver_0 [PendingNetDriver]
[2015.08.06-06.32.52:021][909]LogExit: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_0 shut down
[2015.08.06-06.32.52:021][909]LogNet:Warning: Travel Failure: [PendingNetGameCreateFailure]: SteamSockets: binding to port 0 failed (0)
[2015.08.06-06.32.52:027][909]LogNet: TravelFailure: PendingNetGameCreateFailure, Reason for Failure: 'SteamSockets: binding to port 0 failed (0)'

Why is it trying to bind to port 0 instead of 7777?

I’m pretty sure i have all the right settings in my DefaultEngine.ini file.





I searched the Answerhub and tried everything i found but nothing works.

I don’t know if that is the reason but i’m starting the sessions after i open my lobby level as listen server, then the player press open to start sessions. Can’t i do that?

Yeah that is interesting that it would use 0 since baseengine.ini contains a definition for port 7777. Only thing I can think of is that you deleted that section in base engine by mistake?

Try adding this to your games DefaultEngine.ini


Also run the server with the command line option “-log” and look for the following:

LogNet:Display: SteamNetDriver_0 bound to port 7777
LogNet: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0 IpNetDriver listening on port 7777

If you are doing it in editor stand alone then go to advanced settings “Server Game Options” and add the “-log” in there.

I just tested it with the logs.

This is what happens when i start the lobby as listen server.


Maybe it’s my firewall blocking the port.

Nope, it’s not my firewall.
Maybe i do have to open a session first.

Open a session first doesn’t fix it.


Hallelujah, i think i fixed it.

the defaultengine.ini Onlinesubsystem Sections has to be in this exact order.





Now it gives me what i want.


Only the session creation works now, but not joining.
The client joining the server still does the failed to bind to port 0 error.

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Maybe were not setting it up correctly?

Here are all of our blueprints for the session creation and joining

There are also a few instances that when we search for sessions it closes the game entirely without any error messages and a small bug where the server button that we create does not display the information that we had set in the session.

In our game instance:

In our Main menu UMG for searching for sessions

In our session join button widget:

And we are using the most recent version of the plugin.

Again awesome work and thanks!

If you are using 4.8 then that isn’t the current version of the plugin, it is missing the dedicated server checkbox and the parameters are in the wrong order. If you did download the current version then you have mixed up binaries somehow.

I grabbed a copy of the current download and put it into a new project that I packaged and tested across steam on two computers and was able to host and join just fine.

Also you might want to try using the default nodes and seeing if it works once you sort out the correct plugin files.

Edit I’ll update to 4.8.3 tomorrow and see if that presents any problems, I compiled it last on 4.8.2

Hi, I’m new to Advanced Sessions and I love what you are doing for the UE4 blueprint community. With that being said, i downloaded the lastest version of the plugin and it runs fine in the editor but when i package it to test the game with my friends, it says that it cannot find the module. Is there something that i have to do get it to work or is this just a bug? Thanks in advance!

So yeah it was my bad I didnt clear our binaries! Thanx for the help would have never thought of that!

Awesome work and thanks!

Hi, I’m new to Advanced Sessions and I love what you are doing for the UE4 blueprint community. With that being said, i downloaded the lastest version of the plugin and it runs fine in the editor but when i package it to test the game with my friends, it says that it cannot find the module. Is there something that i have to do get it to work or is this just a bug? Thanks in advance!

Are you using a blueprint only project out of curiosity? It shouldn’t matter realistically but I am curious as someone else was packaging one of those without a compiler installed and the editor was failing to compile the plugin. I think that pure blueprint plugins might still be not working without a compiler associated with the engine.

I use my own plugin in a fun project and it packages and works player to player without issue.

I was using a blueprint only project but I just made an empty c++ class and rebuilt to get it to work.

Are you using a blueprint only project out of curiosity? It shouldn’t matter realistically but I am curious as someone else was packaging one of those without a compiler installed and the editor was failing to compile the plugin. I think that pure blueprint plugins might still be not working without a compiler associated with the engine.

I use my own plugin in a fun project and it packages and works player to player without issue.

After your new update I can package my project without any problem with blueprint only project.

Can I use this plugin for commercial project?

[QUOTE=Blue man;353487]
Can I use this plugin for commercial project?

Yes, pretty sure two others I know of already are.

Yes, pretty sure two others I know of already are.

Ok thanks,I wasn’t sure. :slight_smile:

I can now package my project but when I try to run my game I get this error :
“Advanced session plugin is not installed correctly ,module could not be found” (or something like that)

[QUOTE=Blue man;356790]
I can now package my project but when I try to run my game I get this error :
“Advanced session plugin is not installed correctly ,module could not be found” (or something like that)

Run it with the -log command and post the log. I have it packaged into multiple test projects atm.

Run it with the -log command and post the log. I have it packaged into multiple test projects atm.

Here is my log:
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:748] 0]Log file open, 08/17/15 19:43:53
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:748] 0]LogInit: Display: Running engine for game: MyProject11222
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:748] 0]LogInit: Display: Project file not found: …/…/…/MyProject11222/MyProject11222.uproject
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:748] 0]LogInit: Display: Attempting to find via project info helper.
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:748] 0]LogUProjectInfo: Found projects:
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘HTTPChunkInstaller’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 4 named threads and 6 total threads.
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogStats: Stats thread started
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogInit: Version: 4.8.3-2634408+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogInit: API Version: 2579680
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Jul 27 2015 16:16:31
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 18.00.21005.01
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogInit: Build Configuration: Development
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogInit: Branch Name: ++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogInit: Command line: -log
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:749] 0]LogInit: Base directory: C:/UE 4 files/Project V0.4/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Binaries/Win64/
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:750] 0]LogInit: Rocket: 0
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:751] 0]LogInit: Using libcurl 7.41.0
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:751] 0]LogInit: - built for x86_64-pc-win32
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:751] 0]LogInit: - supports SSL with WinSSL
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:751] 0]LogInit: - other features:
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:751] 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_SSL
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:751] 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IPV6
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:751] 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:752] 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:752] 0]LogInit: CURL_VERSION_IDN
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:752] 0]LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:753] 0]LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = true - Libcurl will verify peer certificate
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:754] 0]LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:754] 0]LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:754] 0]LogInit: - CertBundlePath = nullptr - Libcurl will use whatever was configured at build time.
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:756] 0]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.32
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:922] 0]LogInit: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:951] 0]LogInit: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:959] 0]LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:961] 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Skipping Unknown console variable: ‘TranslucentSortAxis = (X=0.000000,Y=-1.000000,Z=0.000000)’
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:962] 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Found in ini file ‘…/…/…/MyProject11222/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini’, in section ‘[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]’
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:963] 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Skipping Unknown console variable: ‘UIScaleRule = ShortestSide’
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:964] 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Found in ini file ‘…/…/…/MyProject11222/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini’, in section ‘[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]’
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:965] 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Skipping Unknown console variable: ‘UIScaleCurve = (EditorCurveData=(Keys=),ExternalCurve=None)’
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:966] 0]LogConsoleResponse:Warning: Found in ini file ‘…/…/…/MyProject11222/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini’, in section ‘[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]’
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:971] 0]LogInit: Selected Device Profile: [WindowsNoEditor]
[2015.08.17-17.43.53:971] 0]LogInit: Applying CVar settings l

Also I get this line in console :
LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘AdvancedSession’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.

Honestly I don’t know, I don’t think this is an issue with the plugin itself as I haven’t run into it across multiple projects. The guy above in this page had to convert to a c++ project in order to get his to work.

It may be that I am supposed to include the intermediate folder as well with the distribution for blueprint only projects but packaging that and supporting multiple builds would bloat the download to gigs in size so I don’t intend to do it.

Honestly I don’t know, I don’t think this is an issue with the plugin itself as I haven’t run into it across multiple projects. The guy above in this page had to convert to a c++ project in order to get his to work.

It may be that I am supposed to include the intermediate folder as well with the distribution for blueprint only projects but packaging that and supporting multiple builds would bloat the download to gigs in size so I don’t intend to do it.

I will try some stuff and if I fix it somehow I will let you know. :slight_smile:

This is quite amazing, the default session blueprints are indeed lacking to say the least. I assume you’ll be updating it for 4.9 once it’s released? If so, I’ll try and patiently wait to try it out. :smiley: