Advanced Sessions Plugin

Hi , are you planning on putting this up on the marketplace now that Epic is accepting plugins? I haven’t had to extend my session handling yet due to my game only using dedicated server to host but I do want to extend it in the future with Steam stuff and VOIP, so I look forward to using your plugin in the future.

I asked them a while ago about code plugins before they started coming out, their response was that I can’t actually submit this until it has full documentation and a video going over the features. Both of those things are currently sorely lacking and I don’t have the time to create them at the moment.

I do think that it would be far easier for people to use as something freely downloaded through the launcher though.

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Hello! I implemented a proximity voice system and I would like to share with you.
I implemented this system with the help of “Victory Plugin”.

Hi, thedark174, i’d like to know if there is a solution to manage sound attenuation with distance, but using multiple players. Your solution is for 2 players only, because Sound Class VoIP is for all players. Is it a way to implement that sort of system (like Second Life: more the other player is, less we hear him).

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I started running into some issues today, I’m quite frankly not sure what’s going on. Like I mentioned before, I’ve been able to play my game over Steam with a friend who lives in the UK. But not with Americans. However, today I couldn’t play with either. What’s rather peculiar is that I can play with myself using my virtual machine.

The only changes I’ve made so far are to do with how I populate my player’s list and spawning logic. I’m fairly sure I haven’t touched neither hosting nor joining sessions. I’ve made sure presence is on and that it’s not set to LAN. Is there a log I can access for a more detailed view as to what’s going on?


It suddenly worked again but only once, then it stopped working again. I’ve tried debugging it the best I can, but it’s not failing to create a session nor does it fail to find sessions - but rather it returns 0. I quite frankly have no clue if this is something with the way I’ve set things up, the plugin or Steam’s test app ID.

If you have any suggestions of what I can try I’d greatly appreciate it. :slight_smile:

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I’m having the same issue (I think) . Even with myself - I will join, rejoin, rejoin my server… Until I am no longer to join at all until I restart the server (due to not finding my game any longer). I think this may be the plugin, as when I set this up myself through c++ a long item ago I wasn’t having this issue.

Here are some errors I get, no idea if they’re related:

Do you get any errors when launching the server?

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I’m not using a dedicated server, so as far as I’m aware I can’t see those errors unless I try it directly from the editor - but when I try it via the editor*(not using single process, and set as dedicated server)* it works. Also, sessions always report a ping of 9999ms, not sure if that might be part of the issue as well.

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I’m not using a dedicated server, so as far as I’m aware I can’t see those errors unless I try it directly from the editor - but when I try it via the editor*(not using single process, and set as dedicated server)* it works. Also, sessions always report a ping of 9999ms, not sure if that might be part of the issue as well.

You can try launching your game with -log to see debug

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I’m having the same issue (I think) . Even with myself - I will join, rejoin, rejoin my server… Until I am no longer to join at all until I restart the server (due to not finding my game any longer). I think this may be the plugin, as when I set this up myself through c++ a long item ago I wasn’t having this issue.

Here are some errors I get, no idea if they’re related:

Do you get any errors when launching the server?

Game tags overflows are caused if the custom session settings you pass in are too large. For some backwards reason steam has a really low limit on the length of the string that you can have for those and all variables are packed into a string.

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Are you able to use a custom GameState and PlayerState with this plugin? Whenever I try and do so, weird stuff start happening - and I am no longer able to get my Steam name. For example, I just now tried to make a custom GS and PS to work on some of the multiplayer logic, and I noticed that 2 random sessions always show up - showing 32 out of 32 players with a ping of 9999ms*(I think the ping is a confirmed bug, hopefully it’ll be fixed in )*.

What’s rather peculiar is that I saw the logs mentioned the newly released game “Stellaris”. Am I doing something wrong or does it simply not support a custom playerstate…? Link to Logs(Pastebin)

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Are you able to use a custom GameState and PlayerState with this plugin? Whenever I try and do so, weird stuff start happening - and I am no longer able to get my Steam name. For example, I just now tried to make a custom GS and PS to work on some of the multiplayer logic, and I noticed that 2 random sessions always show up - showing 32 out of 32 players with a ping of 9999ms*(I think the ping is a confirmed bug, hopefully it’ll be fixed in )*.

What’s rather peculiar is that I saw the logs mentioned the newly released game “Stellaris”. Am I doing something wrong or does it simply not support a custom playerstate…? Link to Logs(Pastebin)

Those logs are normal, everyone shares app ID 480 so when searching for servers it throws out non matching game builds but logs that it did so.

As far as override game state, you should be able to but the plugin uses some default functions from them and I don’t know what you are overriding so you “could” be causing problems if you are overriding original implementations. The plugin WILL expect to be able to access a valid PlayerState->UniqueNetID and PlayerState->PlayerName and if you are overriding functions you could be not setting those.

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I just test my game with a friend and Event “On sessionInviteAccepted” does nothing, I am using test Id 480.

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[QUOTE=Blue man;532344]
I just test my game with a friend and Event “On sessionInviteAccepted” does nothing, I am using test Id 480.

Where? In the player controller or the game instance? The event works, I use it.

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I am using it in a player controller.

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Here are some pictures. I will try it again with someone else.

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Are you getting the event in GameInstance triggered? Also what subsystem are you using?

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I am using Steam, I am not sure, I need ti try it again. This time I will place the Event in the GameInstance. I think it has to do something with the test ID (480).

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Hey, we are having issues with finding ANY sessions for few days now. I checked MultiplayerShootout on 4.11.1 and it also has issues finding any sessions (even from different games). It occurs for me and my friend, we live in different countries (Germany / Poland ). Any clue what might be wrong?

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Hey, we are having issues with finding ANY sessions for few days now. I checked MultiplayerShootout on 4.11.1 and it also has issues finding any sessions (even from different games). It occurs for me and my friend, we live in different countries (Germany / Poland ). Any clue what might be wrong?

If it is with steam then it is probably because of the Region Lock on App ID 480. If you had your own App ID for steam (got greenlit) then you wouldn’t be region locked.

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I downloaded the Spacewar test app and it seems like it also has issues. Server browser does not display any servers at all, but if I search for lobbies it finds all of them.
It worked about a month ago (we could use server browser with no problems), either region lock is a new thing or id 480 has issues with master server.

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I downloaded the Spacewar test app and it seems like it also has issues. Server browser does not display any servers at all, but if I search for lobbies it finds all of them.
It worked about a month ago (we could use server browser with no problems), either region lock is a new thing or id 480 has issues with master server.

It’s been working fine for me today.

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It’s been working fine for me today.

For us it still does not work, I managed to see 1 server from UK for a while but thats all. We managed to get around this with invite system so for now its not an issue I guess :slight_smile:

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