Advanced Sessions Plugin

I replied, but its not related to advanced sessions itself. Steam subsystem in engine has been getting worse and worse with each new release. AFAIK its not tested against as epic is focusing on the cross platform steam through EOS and keep making changes that effect the normal steam subsystem in bad ways.

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Can’t seem to find an answer on this but sometimes when hosting a session, it will become delisted after some time of being inactive. I asked ChatGPT about this and it said I should periodically refresh the session (Update Session) in order to keep it active in the session browser. Is this correct or a bunch of bologna?

With what subsystem? Steam? I would assume that the ping back should handle that with steam.

Yeah it’s with Steam. It happens whenever someone hosts a session, doesn’t press any buttons and no other players will join. After some unknown amount of time, it gets delisted in the session browser.

Btw I’m using UE 4.26.

Ive tried packaging again for DebugGame. Its just the error i showed before. So i don’t know what to do exactly now. I’m sure all plugins are enabled in unreal engine. Maybe i miss something in the build file perhaps? :thinking:

In the log? You actually opened up the log file? Its usually pretty descriptive with engine subsystem problems.

I indeed opened the log file from the packaged debug game. I don’t see anything more related, but i could show the entire log?

PM it to me, you can pastebin it

sorry,but when i use string to set room name when i use OSSsteam,it work error when i input chinese or japanese roomname(string)
it can be true get in server,but error (be Garbled code)in clint side
how can i let the string not to be Garbled code when its in chinese or japanese?

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I think how they are writing the data from it out to the steam string is not unicode complaint. That section of it is out of the plugins hands though.

When I Added Advanced Steam Sessions to my game, it worked fine in the editor but when i packaged it, the game wont start up, any ideas on what the issue may be

Add a c++ class to your project like the setup instructions state

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ah i overlooked that sorry, and thank you

Hi I have created a project via EOS and Advanced session plugin in unreal 4.27, and its works well when i create session and joining to it but when I packaged it for android and trying to create a session the app automatically close and nothing happened

and I’m in developer mode and I dont know how can i turned it to user mode

You’ll have to check the output on that as to why it crashed, its unlikely to be AS and more likely to be EOS there

5.3.2, took a multiplayer template with the default subsystem and added steam advanced sessions. When I package the game in development and start the game, I can create a game, but my friend cant seem to find the game. We can both see someone elses game which Im assuming is someone that has their multiplayer working lol. I put log strings on create and it gets through the success just fine. I moved the initial create advanced sessions to my bp game instance and casted it to the widget thinking it would keep the session created, but that still had no effect. Im sure this is a common problem and Im just a huge noob, or it really is just broken in later versions of unreal. My game is simple, should I remake it in 4.27 instead of 5.3?



IF your friend isn’t in the same download region as you it won’t show up if you are using the steam testing AppID. The testing ID is region locked.

I am researching ways to implement Steam Workshop for my game. I would like to do it like ARK and Gmod, where it is possible to download assets and entire maps as addons to integrate into your game through the Workshop. If I read the documentation correctly, the Steam Advanced Sessions only allow the download of Workshop content, but not upload. Previously, Unreal Engine 4 had a plugin for Steam UGC support, but it has been discontinued. Does anyone know of any way to do this currently? I can hardly find content about this on the internet. I am having to explore the internet extensively to figure out how to do this.

Hey Mordentral,

Crazy that you still keep up with this thread. lol. I got it to work. Not really sure how but turned off the lan setting and I was able to create online games. I was previously setting region correctly and it was not working. Awesome job on the plugin, sorry for my noobness.

They rolled that into the EOS implementations