Advanced Sessions Plugin

Steam subsystem doesn’t implement sending an invite because the steam overlay is supposed to already be used for that.

Ohh okay thanks I’ll have to look into this more. Appreciate the feedback though I’ve been stuck on this issue for a good 3 months now

I’m running into a problem when I try to load the master branch on version 5.0.3 where it says the modules are missing/coded for a different version. Is the plugin compatible with 5.0.3 yet, or just 5.0?

Master branch is just source, you would have to compile it.

The precompiled binaries have been updated for 5.0.3 though yes


Got it. It’s working now, thanks!

Hi is there any version for unreal 5 of this plugin?

Master/Default branch is always current released version of the engine (IE: 5.0.3)

There is also a precompiled binary copy for 5

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there is? I always get error that they are from different version of the engine.

You have to compile it if you download it directly from github, it has no binaries.

If you want it precompiled you have to use these: Advanced Sessions Binaries – VR Expansion Plugin

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Hey sorry I took a while to follow up with my issue, I initially asked my question 23 days ago and I’m still stuck on the problem. I can easily connect to a session on the same PC, but the session isn’t found when connecting through steam on a different PC. You stated that you added bSearchLobbies in 4.27, which made me realize that I should redownload the 4.27 plugin so that I could replace the existing nodes, but I’m having some issues. I’m using blueprints only, and I’m guessing that the problem comes from the fact that I’m using the “Join Session” node, which is from the default online subsystem. What’s the name of the blueprint node for your bSearchLobbies? I’m guessing I need to switch out Join Session with that node.

Sorry for my confusion, doing all this in blueprints gets tricky for me but thanks for willing to help me out.

Hi there,

Not sure if that is your case, but, for Steam sessions, make sure to edit your DefaultEngine.ini with the text below. And here is the video showing the steps. Hope that helps.
Steam Multiplayer - Advanced Steam Session - Unreal Engine - YouTube





@L.F.A Hi, thanks for your help but still no luck. I did indeed already have the correct text within my DefaultEngine.ini, and the steam overlay works fine. I’m not entirely sure what I’m missing at this point, and I find myself going in circles for hours whenever I look for a solution. I noticed that video is a little outdated though, so I’m guessing I still need to add in that “bSearchLobbies” node that was added in the 4.27 update. I appreciate your help though!

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bSearchLobbies is just on the normal FindSessionsAdvanced node, its not a seperate node, its a bool on it.

Oh okay thanks

I am having an issue where after I put the two folders into Plugins in my project folder, the plugins do not appear in the plugins menu after restarting. I am using the pre compiled versions for 5.0.3 in UE 5.0.3 on windows, i dont think windows version should matter but mine is 11.

I’m currently having an issue whereby my session isn’t found by the second account. The steam overlay works, If using LAN it can find the session, the 2nd steam account is on the same download region.
My friends keep asking me what SPACEWARS is, so it’s definitely communicating with Steam.

These are the settings currently used, I’m just keeping everything as simple as possible to get it to connect for the time being. The game is single player or 2 player online. If anyone has experienced a similar issue or has some ideas on how to best diagnose the issue I’d welcome the insight. I’m using UE 5.0.3

Try increasing the results in the find to a large number like 1000. I understand it’s due to the amount of people testing with the same app ID.

Hello everyone,

I have a problem joining sessions. With 2 machines and 2 steam accounts launching as standalone, I can host and see the hosted sessions quite happily, but as soon as I try to join the session, it seems to time out and return to my main menu. I haven’t a chance to check logs yet as I’m currently at work so my apologies if this is a repeated question. But for some reason I seem to be struggling with the standard join node. I’m wondering if I’m using the correct node as there are advanced session nodes for create and find, but not join as far as I can tell.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

All advanced sessions nodes are pretty much the standard nodes with more options, they call into the same subsystems and the same functions. Join specifically doesn’t have more options to expose so there is only the default one.

Hi all back again, this time with some log file snippets. I’m very new to this, so I could be well an truly barking up the wrong tree

So this is what the joining client gives:

[2022.08.15-20.41.13:722][  1]LogNet: Warning: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection.. Elapsed: 60.03, Real: 60.01, Good: 60.01, DriverTime: 60.03, Threshold: 60.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 76561198043837445:7777, Name: SteamNetConnection_0, Driver: PendingNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID
[2022.08.15-20.41.13:723][  1]LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = ConnectionTimeout, ErrorString = UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection.. Elapsed: 60.03, Real: 60.01, Good: 60.01, DriverTime: 60.03, Threshold: 60.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 76561198043837445:7777, Name: SteamNetConnection_0, Driver: PendingNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID, Driver = PendingNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0
[2022.08.15-20.41.13:723][  1]LogNet: Warning: Network Failure: PendingNetDriver[ConnectionTimeout]: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection.. Elapsed: 60.03, Real: 60.01, Good: 60.01, DriverTime: 60.03, Threshold: 60.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 76561198043837445:7777, Name: SteamNetConnection_0, Driver: PendingNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID

and this is what the hosting machine says (please note I’ve removed the username and put in * even though I know it’s easy enough to search, it just felt weird having a name there:

[2022.08.15-20.40.07:426][349]LogOnline: STEAM: Adding P2P connection information with user 76561199384174383 (Name: ******** [0x110000154DF1F2F])
[2022.08.15-20.41.31:451][191]LogOnline: STEAM: Removing P2P Session Id: ******** [0x110000154DF1F2F], Channel: -1, IdleTime: 84.025
[2022.08.15-20.41.32:963][278]LogOnline: STEAM: Closing all communications with user 76561199384174383
[2022.08.15-20.41.32:974][278]LogOnline: STEAM: 76561199384174383 has been removed.
[2022.08.15-20.44.02:894][917]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Updating lobby joinability to true.

I’m not familiar with these logs, but to me it looks like (and I could be 100% wrong here) the client is joining but the host see’s it as being idle for a long time and boots it. But from the clients point of view it never leaves the server menu even though it’s aware of the remote address the details of it seem to be null / invalid and it closes the connection.

At the moment, I only have a join node, nothing comes after that. Any hints anyone has would be super appreciated.
