Advanced Sessions Plugin

the ‘On failure’ pin of node “Get Session Settings” always fire inside editor

if i try in standalone it work and fire ‘On success’ as intended !

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the ‘On failure’ pin of node “Get Session Settings” always fire inside editor

if i try in standalone it work and fire ‘On success’ as intended !

This is the correct behavior, when running non standalone with the editor ue4 makes its own session so that you can run clients on the editor. Get session settings only works with sessions hosted by the interface as it looks it up by name.

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Thanks for explanation :o having so much fun doing blueprint things with your advanced session plugin !

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is this a bug when i try to update session public connections ?

i try to update session in order to change ‘Public Connections’ value of the session.

When i request the “Get Players” and the “Get Current Players” the is correct, but the current is wrong it always give me “public connection value - 1” any idea why?

when i first create my session, lets say with 10 in ‘Public Connections’ a client can search for sessions and he will find 1/10 players connected

but if the server update the ‘Public Connections’ to 12 things goes wrong, now client search for sessions and they found 11/12 players connected

am stuck on this since yesterday, no idea why ‘Get current players’ always return me wrong value when i update sessions

A solution would be to add a new extra settings like ‘currentplayer’ as int, and server will update it with “UAdvancedSessionsLibrary::GetNumberOfNetworkPlayers” value then the client will have the correct current player numbers when searching for a server information using this extra settings

but it wont fix the wrong value returned by ‘Get Current Players’ and i think it may cause unexpected behavior in the futur :frowning: like only 1 client would connect because the public connection will be reach :frowning: since the session think there already ‘max-1’ players connected

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Hey guys, any ideas why project try to load v132 and fail to find files on build instead of v135
Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.22-17.31.12:485] 0]LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.32

ive changed v132 to v135 in Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\Steamworks\

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is this a bug when i try to update session public connections ?

i try to update session in order to change ‘Public Connections’ value of the session.

When i request the “Get Players” and the “Get Current Players” the is correct, but the current is wrong it always give me “public connection value - 1” any idea why?

when i first create my session, lets say with 10 in ‘Public Connections’ a client can search for sessions and he will find 1/10 players connected

but if the server update the ‘Public Connections’ to 12 things goes wrong, now client search for sessions and they found 11/12 players connected

am stuck on this since yesterday, no idea why ‘Get current players’ always return me wrong value when i update sessions

A solution would be to add a new extra settings like ‘currentplayer’ as int, and server will update it with “UAdvancedSessionsLibrary::GetNumberOfNetworkPlayers” value then the client will have the correct current player numbers when searching for a server information using this extra settings

but it wont fix the wrong value returned by ‘Get Current Players’ and i think it may cause unexpected behavior in the futur :frowning: like only 1 client would connect because the public connection will be reach :frowning: since the session think there already ‘max-1’ players connected

I’ll need to check on something on Monday, I may be able to fix it. Update sessions might be missing a variable passed in.

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Hey guys, any ideas why project try to load v132 and fail to find files on build instead of v135
Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.11.22-17.31.12:485] 0]LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.32

ive changed v132 to v135 in Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\Steamworks\

There are multiple locations for that build.cs if I remember correctly. I had a different steamworks build working for awhile and then it got to be a PITA to manage so I’ve just used UE4’s shipped version ever since they started fully packaging it in.

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I’ll need to check on something on Monday, I may be able to fix it. Update sessions might be missing a variable passed in.

Ok, rewrote part of the update sessions function to pass in the old sessions settings and modify it instead of re-creating the entire structure, this way if it is passing data post creation it will keep it intact in the structure.

Let me know if that helps, it should be more robust anyway. Not entirely sure why I had it the other way, this makes more sense, must have been a brain fart.

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Ok, rewrote part of the update sessions function to pass in the old sessions settings and modify it instead of re-creating the entire structure, this way if it is passing data post creation it will keep it intact in the structure.

Let me know if that helps, it should be more robust anyway. Not entirely sure why I had it the other way, this makes more sense, must have been a brain fart.

Thanks i will try this and tell you if it fixed my problem

edit: i hadnt time to test it correctly yet i have to test it with more time another day

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Well finally i had time today to test it :o

the problem that i described is still here (i downloaded the plugin here - Google Drive) is that the last version?

do you need more information (like step to reproduce) or you have already an idea on whats going on?

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Yes that is the latest version, and no I don’t think I can do anything in the plugin to fix it if that didn’t do it. I will say that the “Update Session” function is noted as being “For use between matches” in their code base.

Currently the update session node is at parity with their official example implementation.

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Yes that is the latest version, and no I don’t think I can do anything in the plugin to fix it if that didn’t do it. I will say that the “Update Session” function is noted as being “For use between matches” in their code base.

Currently the update session node is at parity with their official example implementation.

ok thanks for information :o

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There are multiple locations for that build.cs if I remember correctly. I had a different steamworks build working for awhile and then it got to be a PITA to manage so I’ve just used UE4’s shipped version ever since they started fully packaging it in.

can you say somethin about thissetup, i followed that, but seams i or epic miss something, because steam works fine on standalone, but refuses to package even on empty project.

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can you say somethin about thissetup, i followed that, but seams i or epic miss something, because steam works fine on standalone, but refuses to package even on empty project.

I’m sorry, there are a lot of things that you can do to mess up a custom steam api with the engine and this thread isn’t really the place to try and solve it.

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The 4.10 version is giving an incompatibility error and I don’t know how to compile the source without a Project file.
Any help? :frowning:

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The 4.10 version is giving an incompatibility error and I don’t know how to compile the source without a Project file.
Any help? :frowning:

Are you running 4.10?

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Are you running 4.10?

I belive he answered your question in his question…

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I belive he answered your question in his question…

Just because he downloaded the 4.10 version doesn’t mean he is running 4.10, he shouldn’t have to recompile it at all unless packaging.

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Awesome, I 've tried in 4.10.0 and going great, it’s what I needed, thank you very much for sharing.

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You my friend, are an absolute saint! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for… can you put this on the Marketplace?

I only found it through word of mouth.

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