UE 4.23.1 Source Build w/ Steamworks v142
Advanced Sessions Plugin for 4.23
Testing with two separate machines / Steam accounts that are both associated with the project on Steamworks
We’re currently testing Steam integration with our project. We’ve implemented our AppID and everything seems to be working fine. Players can host servers, and those are discoverable via Find Sessions. However, when I run dedicated servers (packaged separately using Project Launcher), they are not found. They are visible using Steam’s Server Browser under the Internet tab. I can also directly connect to the dedicated server by using ‘open steam.xxx’ from the client, and that works fine. But they’re not coming up using Find Sessions.
Any help would be appreciated, this is new territory for me. Is this acting as intended? Or should the dedicated servers be discoverable?
Edit: Additionally, when I disable Steam by running with -nosteam on the command-line for both dedicated server and client, the dedicated servers are then discoverable with Find Sessions with null online subsystem (through LAN only). So it seems that this is specific to Steam?