So I’ve seen this in games like Slender: the arrival, Resident Evil 7 demo and PT. The flashlight does not follow the camera perfectly. It’s almost delayed a bit and is much smoother. Is there a way for me to do this with UE 4.11? If so, how?
This is a pretty simple thing to implement into your project.
In your player character blueprint you want to add a spring arm component and bind your camera to it as such:
Then select the spring arm, my settings : Screenshot - f2b28d089b54fcd443a342c8ae45b9f7 - Gyazo
What you want to focus on : Screenshot - df2351290ee3e4f92805a8d3a61fcb1c - Gyazo
Enable a camera rotation lag with a set speed.
This will have your camera lag behind your flashlight.
You will want to have a spring arm for your flashlight as well :Screenshot - ff9b2debd81b93cd09c63c4c0141f122 - Gyazo
without any lag settings : Screenshot - 372795b011ba5259a1d20df4cf7154b6 - Gyazo
Provides a more realistic approach to a flashlight so you point the flashlight in the direction you want to look and the camera follows!
Yikes! So I know this is about a year later but, is there a way to apply this to a TPS character holding a flashlight? Like maybe have his hand follow the camera view through IK?
Hey Enraged91, coincidentally it’s only been 4 days since you’ve asked. Have you found a resolution? I’m also looking for an answer
Nothing yet unfortunately