ADS Camera unable to move arm mesh up and down

To give some context, I am working on a multiplayer FPS game, and I have two meshes: one that is arms that only the player can see, and the other is a full body mesh that other players can see.

I struggled but eventually got something working where only the arm mesh would rotate with the camera and the full body mesh would not rotate up and down by going to my Character Blueprint > Class Defaults > Untick “Use Controller Rotation Pitch” and leaving “Use Controller Rotation Yaw” ticked.

Due to this change, when switching from my FPS camera to my ADS camera, it switches fine, and my ADS camera can move up and down, but it does not move my arms mesh. While “Use Controller Rotation Pitch” was ticked, this allowed the full body to rotate so the ADS worked fine when that was active, but that caused the entire body to rotate and even float off the ground. I’m thinking it’s most likely due to my blueprint viewport heirarchy which is here:


The MultiplayerMesh is the full body mesh that will no longer move, and the pistol mesh that’s under it is more of a placeholder since a Pistol_BP actor is spawned on BeginPlay that connects to the WeaponSocket of the player. It also acts as a mesh that will be seen only by other players since the spawned pistol will have SpringArm camera lagged weapon sway and it looks weird if the gun is floating and lagging behind the multiplayer full body mesh. The ADS cam is attached to the sight of the placeholder pistol mesh so that when the real Pistol_BP is spawned, the ADS cam is already lined up and you can instantly ADS.

I can also provide more information as needed, but is there a way for me to restructure this heirarchy or change settings of some kind to allow the movement of the arms when the camera is switched from FPS to ADS? I am also willing to start from scratch with it as I feel there must be a better way to implement this without having to use two meshes to begin with, as I know Hide Bone By Name is something that exists and haven’t tried implementing yet.