Admob is not working

Hello everyone,

It’s 2020 yet Unreal Engine still fails on giving proper Admob support which is the most used ad platform for mobile apps and games. Unity has its own ad network while I am still can’t figure out why my ads are not displaying.

I am using native Admob support which doesn’t work and even if it works somehow I still need to pay a ton of money to third-party companies just to get the ads working on IOS or to add rewarded Ads.

I’ve set every variable when I set a test ad id it shows a test ad but no luck with the real ad. And test ad thing only works for the banner. I’ve never seen interstitial ads working. Not even once!

These are the logs displayed on adb with the real ad ids.

2020-10-29 15:59:16.925 13727-13769/ D/UE4: LogOnline: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: Loaded subsystem for module [GooglePlay]
2020-10-29 15:59:18.319 13727-13769/ D/UE4: [GameActivity] Registering headset receiver
2020-10-29 15:59:18.320 13727-13769/ D/UE4: [GameActivity] startHeadsetReceiver: 0
2020-10-29 15:59:18.320 13727-13769/ D/UE4: nativeHeadsetEvent(0)
2020-10-29 15:59:18.585 13727-13727/ I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
2020-10-29 15:59:18.585 13727-13727/ I/DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 203404601
2020-10-29 15:59:18.640 13727-13727/ D/DynamitePackage: Instantiating
2020-10-29 15:59:18.720 13727-13727/ I/Ads: Updating ad debug logging enablement.
2020-10-29 15:59:18.740 13727-13727/ I/Ads: Use RequestConfiguration.Builder().setTestDeviceIds(Arrays.asList("DA7FC1F72E2A91BBFA0D9F3DD819C30A") to get test ads on this device.
2020-10-29 15:59:18.834 13727-13727/ I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
2020-10-29 15:59:18.835 13727-13727/ I/DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 203404601
2020-10-29 15:59:18.894 13727-13852/ W/Ads: Invoke Firebase method getInstance error.
2020-10-29 15:59:18.894 13727-13852/ W/Ads: The Google Mobile Ads SDK will not integrate with Firebase. Admob/Firebase integration requires the latest Firebase SDK jar, but Firebase SDK is either missing or out of date
2020-10-29 15:59:19.121 13727-13727/ D/DynamitePackage: Instantiating
2020-10-29 15:59:19.129 13727-13727/ I/Ads: Use RequestConfiguration.Builder().setTestDeviceIds(Arrays.asList("DA7FC1F72E2A91BBFA0D9F3DD819C30A") to get test ads on this device.
2020-10-29 15:59:19.202 13727-13846/ W/Ads: Update ad debug logging enablement as false
2020-10-29 15:59:19.268 13727-13842/ W/Ads: Not retrying to fetch app settings
2020-10-29 15:59:19.602 13727-13727/ I/Ads: Ad failed to load : 3
2020-10-29 15:59:19.637 13727-13727/ I/Ads: Ad failed to load : 3

I also pasted all logs filtered with “UE4” and uploded it to here: Ubuntu Pastebin

Please do not spam this post with your ad plugins like you did on the every post about ads!! There is two or three guys having a monopoly in here while Epic does nothing about it. Fix this please!

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Hey There ,

  • I’ve never seen interstitial ads working -
    Did You Call The Load Interstitial Ad When Load Your Level,
    There Are 4 Things You Need To Do


step1: BeginPlay() → Call Load Interstitial Ad

Step2: Check if Ad Requested ? Is Interstitial Ad Requested If False Delay 0.2s And Call Load Interstitial Ad Again

When You Want To Show Ad Then → Is Interstitial Ad Available ? If true Then Show Interstitial Ad else User Is Offline.

Ad This Module

if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)

^^ [YourProject].Target.cs

-add to the Extra Permissions array in the Advanced APKPackaging section of the Android settings:
Setup Ad Mob Ad Unit ID Correctly
Hope This Will Work!!!

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Same problem here.
(maybe it’s due to the new Play Console or the App bundle now mandatory? idk)

Did you find a solution after 1 month?

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I have similar problem.

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Check this video, it solved mine: UnrealEngine Making AdMob Work - YouTube

I did a 2nd things (in the same time) but I’m not sure which is the good one, in case : unreal engine4 - LogVSAccessor: Warning: Couldn't access Visual Studio - Stack Overflow

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Thank you for the solution, however when I rebuild the solution, it says “ExtraModuleNames” doesn’t exist in the actual context

Here is my code, I probably haven’t paste your code at the right place :

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

using UnrealBuildTool;

public class MyProjet : ModuleRules
public MyProjet(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

	PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore" });

	PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {  });

    // Uncomment if you are using Slate UI
    // PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Slate", "SlateCore" });

    // Uncomment if you are using online features
    // PrivateDependencyModuleNames.Add("OnlineSubsystem");

    // To include OnlineSubsystemSteam, add it to the plugins section in your uproject file with the Enabled attribute set to true
    if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)


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how did you solve this issue?

I’m sorry I don’t remember. I don’t even remember if the problem was solved :sweat_smile:


do you have any idea of implementing Admob in unreal engine project.

i have use bansh ads(free plugin) but ads are not showing .

Unfortunately not. I have used it briefely a long time ago, it is hard to remember anything