My app is currently in testing phase. I deploy on the play console as internal testing. I am using test ads with a test device registered. I have app-ads.txt, firebase, and adsense all setup. My understanding is that with admob test ad IDs, i should be able to see test ads. Nothing i do triggers them. Ive spent the last week combing through every forum and instructional to get even just a test banner to pop up. I am not using live ad ids.
Will test ads even show up in internal testing? Ive seen videos of people shoing test ads on devices where they have sideloaded the app with ADB
Is there a clear cut working way to ensure im even doing this right in blueprint? Ive copied just about every method ive seen, i dont think the blueprint part is wrong, but im questioning everything at this point.
My admob account says everything is good to go. My account is active, adsense is verified, ive done the tax stuff. Ive download free plugins, paid plugins, tried different test ad ids. I have the right index for the right type of ad, and on and on. Why cant i even view a test ad?
For me it is the other way around - in my project I have set up everything with a plugin and receiving test ads, but struggling to setup Admob on their web page.
My project isn’t even on the Playstore, but is receiving and displaying test ads. I never used the build-in Admob features as I am dependent on a plugin because I use Admob also on iOS. So I cannot tell if you did something wrong in the Blueprints.
As far I know there are well known testing IDs for both iOS and Android, maybe there is something mixed up.
it would be nice to have your problems i can try the ios test IDs for ads. i think you’re right tho, something is messed up here. i have gone so far as to watch videos that update dependencies in gradle and configure the androidmanifest.xml
What a nightmare. i feel like someone somewhere knows how to do this and i aim to find them and pay them to make this work at this point. Can i ask what plugin you use? Ive been through 5 different plugins and they all fail for me.
Also are you saying that you see ads on a packaged build that is not even in the play console?
Its the ‘Easy Ads Pro’ plugin, maybe a bit more expensive than other plugins but worth the money, and it comes with a demo project.
I packaged my project on both iOS and Android and receiving test ads on both devices.
Regading the my issues - on the Admob webpage, did you make any changes when setting up the consent management for European and US State regulations? Is there anything else to be aware of? And can I setup Admob for the same app name for both Google Playstore and Apple Appstore?
I didnt make any changes for any countries. I left everything default. There were a lot of countries i couldn’t opt into because my app is rated mature. No its not a nasty app, just kinda closer in content to like grand theft auto. Haha.
As for setting up in ios and android, all of the tuts ive been through said its supposed to be the same app ID. But im not a great source of truth because im only developing for android right now.