AdMob interstitial AD

Hello. I want to run interstitial Adverts on UE 4.8.3 or 4.9. I found two topic on forum, but the code is outdated - When I try to compile, i got errors. Can anyone help me?

Here is topics, that i wrote before, and short log:

Thank You.

See this video, Working admob Unreal engine simple method:

Thank You, I’ll check it later, now I create something else on PC :).


We’ve made a plugin that adds AdMob interstitial support for Android platform in UE4 blueprints for UE4 starting from 4.10.

You can find it here: GitHub - AnnaIvanova/UE4AdBoxPlugin: Plugin that adds AdMob interstitial support for Android platform in UE4 blueprints

Hope it will help :slight_smile:

Does this work with Gear VR?

I haven’t checked it with Gear VR, but there should be no conflicts.

How do i set this up with a blueprint game??


We can help you. Our plugin Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android is exactly what you need: Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums It includes support for 15 ad networks (more coming soon) and Banners, Interstitials, Rewarded Videos. Plugin was released 2 years ago and was tested in many ways during this time. It’s stable, receives update every 1-2 months ,and we provide premium support.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :slight_smile:

gameDNA Ltd

Your channel guy does not have video talking about this.

What I did to get ads in a ios game was went to the plugin settings, then go to the bottom of built in plug-ins and click on Widgets, then enable “Web Browser”. The make a simple web site about you game, and go to google adsence to put ads on it. You will need some content, or they will not let you put ads on it. then create a widget, and drag in the thing from the left called web browser. on the right it will let you put in the simple website you made with ads. Then, when you want ads to be shown, show this widget.

Hope this helps,

Troll link… do not click

This link has more than 5 years, so the channel content may changed. I couldn’t remember what was inside, honestly I never come back to mobile development and never find solution for this issue.

cheer I’m a new developer. Now I’m facing the same problem as 5 years ago.

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