ADK 215 now available

Version 215 of the Ark Dev kit has been released. The launcher update is not live yet, but the manual download files are available immediately:

DevKit 215 content: Here

Updated binaries on Github: Here


Additionally, a new item has been created as an example modified structure Blueprint to indicate how to use the new Blueprintable “Use Menu Options”:


Some more details from Drake:

Thanks guys!!!

Links are broken for me.

DevKit 215 content:
Updated binaries on Github:

They are working fine. You need to have a GitHub account and this needs to be connected to your epic account. You can find more details about that in the Epic forum.

Nope, that isn’t the issue. They are just linking to the word “here” for me rather than the URL. I found the links in the page source code. I’m using Opera.

well since the last update dev kit dont start it crashes at startup …

Doesn’t crash for me. Maybe a corrupt file got into yours or something. Maybe you can figure something out from the error logs.

its a error in kernel.dll and something with ue4shadercompiler.dll

Both links are broken for me as well. I downloaded both files earlier today then noticed my adk version was 214.4 so maybe they uploaded the wrong files?

@ All, use the links posted by ThunderAcoustic. They are legit :slight_smile:

214.4 still isn’t on the Epic Launcher wtf guys

Clearly you have ZERO control over how often you can update the Epic Launcher version so I strongly suggest you pull it from: Workshop
It is by no means the best way to mod ARK.

What a complete cluster fk.

The links in the opening post literally lead to “here” as a web address.

DevKit 215 content: <a href=“” target=“_blank”></a><a href=“http://Here” target=“_blank”>Here</a><br>
Updated binaries on Github: <a href=“” target=“_blank”></a><a href=“http://Here” target=“_blank”>Here</a><br

There is a error in the HTML. But the actual link is in there or you could use ThunderAcoustic’s links.

Issue seems to be solved. Uploader wasn’t actually uploading anything but an empty mod for some reason. Restarted my comp, made sure everything was still linked properly and it just started working…

DevKit 215.2 now available on the Epic Launcher.

the update brokes the rock textures…

bluefreakq, Not fully following this but does this mean I can now say throw 100 wood into the storage and trigger an event to so there is 100 wood give you 100 stone type thing now?

Well this version hosed my mod. All was working great until I got this update. I added a few items to a structure inventory nothing I haven’t done tons of times. Now it appears it isn’t cooking correctly. None of the engrams show up in game it’s like it isn’t even there. yes, I checked to make sure it’s active and the file size is correct. It was crashing to desktop, so I took the new primaldata_BP and remade that. Now it loads just no mod. It works fine in the editor BTW.
Any ideas?

Do you guys know if it’s possible to trigger native multi use items such as accessing inventory of a dino?

What is the inventory for?