ADK 215 Causes Big Problem with my Mod

Hi i just Updated to ADK 215 i work on a Translation Mod befor the Update all works perfect now i Installed the new Dev Kit files and Replaced some Files with my Translated versions,now it took 1 hour to cook the mod before the update it taked about 15-20 minutes and its size changed from before around 130MB to over 700MB.Now the bigger Problem the Mods works and the Translated things too,but the Mountains and Rocks and other thinks dont look normal,it looked like they lost the structures and textures.They looking flat and ugly.I didn´t changed any other things just did the Update an placed my translated files back and Cook as a TC like the same way before the update and before the update i didn´t had these problems. Hope someone can help is the link to my translation

Wow. I am still on 201.1 and you are on 215.

That is fast :slight_smile:

Double check the references, if you haven’t already. Other things may have been changed that they didn’t include in notes anywhere(all studios do stealth changes because they’re not as important usually).


Solved my Problem i went back to the 210 version of the dev kit and now my mod worked again and had the right size… think its a problem with cooking in 215

how to you go back? I too have problems with my rock textures.

I too really need to go back to V210 until this mess is fixed…please help

since the update is on epic launcher we cant go back anymore to 210 :frowning: have the same problem again

I thought you said you had been able to roll it back tho…?

I got mine to work there is a problem with the cooker…i cooked and deleted bad cooks at least 6 times before I got the correct file size and it appears to work.

yes but that was before the launcher got the new update. i updated first manually.then rolled it back cause the launcher hadn´t the update yet,but after that the launcher got that update.after that i cant go back to the old version

ahh. Well i really hope they fix it soon. I need the rock textures and a couple of trees are missing too

i hope that too, cause it cracked up my mod and i need to fix that,cause many people use my translation on their servers

What I’ve been able to do successfully is: any file that is updated in a new devkit I reconfigure it and do not use my old files.

When I get weirdness like bad cooks… I verify using Epic Launcher and overwrite with latest diff/Github files. Then I overwrite with my files that weren’t changed in diff zip… and try to cook that.

Modified files will get overwritten with updated ones when you update the devkit. The launcher will tell you though that it copies everything modified to a backup. I’m not sure specifically where that is.

As for the grey objects, they have an error with their materials. See my thread about a workaround.

Most likely though this isn’t actually a problem outside of the editor. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you are taking screenshots in editor or unless you get the grey textures in game as well.