Is it possible to adjust the world gravity settings at runtime? I know you can GET the values of the World Settings via the level blueprint but it doesn’t let you SET them.
Is it possible to adjust the world gravity settings at runtime? I know you can GET the values of the World Settings via the level blueprint but it doesn’t let you SET them.
Anyone know if this is possible? I want it to affect the gravity of all objects, not just the player so I don’t think a physics volume would work.
From what I can tell, for any object that is not located in a specifically placed physics volume, it falls back to the “DefaultPhysicsVolumeClass” that is set in the World Settings.
So, I believe if you wanted a global gravity change outside of placed physics volumes, you’d want to potentially add your own DefaultPhysicsVolumeClass that overrides the GetGravityZ function, where you’d apply your gravity changes at runtime.
I haven’t tried this myself, so not sure if that will work or if it can be done with blueprints alone. Looks like it might require some C++ work to expose ADefaultPhysicsVolume as a BlueprintType, or might be easier at that point to just derive your own DefaultPhysicsVolume in code (or just add a GetGravityZ override directly to ADefaultPhysicsVolume) and expose gravity scale properties used in the overridden GetGravityZ that can be tweaked via blueprint as needed.
Hey, I had a similar situation where it required me to change world gravity at real-time. After searching through, one way to change the global gravity is by using C++. By default UE4 uses ‘Default Gravity Z’ found in Project Settings->Engine->Physics. In order to change the default gravity to user customed gravity, we can make use of WorldSettings.h class in your actor class.
According to the class:
with ‘bGlobalGravitySet’ to true and setting the GlobalGravityZ=‘YourFloatGravity’.
One small way to implement would be:
AWorldSettings* MyWorldSetting=GetWorldSettings();
MyWorldSetting->GlobalGravityZ = 900.f;
Hope this helps.
I tried to use this code, but GetWorldSettings is unavailable function for me
Following this post I successfully implemented world gravity Z at runtime : Changing world gravity with custom C++ node in blueprints not working during runtime