Adjust the Radial Damage Radius and Falloff based on the enemy type hit?

I’ve set up a Grenade Projectile to apply a Radial Damage with Falloff to anything that it impacts with.

This works fine with my base Enemy NPCs, but unfortunately, I’m finding that the scale of the radius and the fall-off need to be adjusted depending on what type of enemy is hit. Some enemies are larger than others and this seems to be stopping the damage from being applied evenly. I’ve got some boss monsters that are 100 times the size of my base Enemy NPC and the radial damage doesn’t apply anything to them. I guess the radius needs to scale appropriately though I can’t imagine why since it should just be measured off the surface that it hits (capsule collision).

I either need a way to check what type of actor I’ve hit and scale the radius appropriately, or I need to know how “Apply Damage” actually collides with the actors and make adjustments there. Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

I also find it strange that the Radial Damage doesn’t have a “Damaged Actor” pin like a generic Apply Damage node does.