After releasing my game, adds no longer work. When I was testing on my device before I released I would see the apple iADD banner which made me think it was working. Now that I have released I just see a white bar but no adds. I do not know if it is related but the Game Center HighScore and GamesPlayed do not work either. I actually stole as much of the Tappy Chicken 4.2 BP code and just made my game work inside the Tappy framework so I would not have to worry about saving stuff and making adds work. So if you know how Tappy does it, then you will know how I did it. I will be glad to provide any screen shots or whatever to help figure this out.
iOS users can download the game from the app store to see the problems in action. Just search Dan In Space and grab the free one. The adds should be up after the first play through. Free promo codes for the premium version for anyone who responds here with help
It hit me that I should check my game one more time before I begged some more and low and behold THE ADDS ARE WORKING! It has been 5 days since the app went live so if I can warn any other new developers. Know that it can take a while to work. Now to figure out Leaderboard problems.