Additive blendspace for look at animations is causing offset of a prop in the character's hands

I’m working on a games animation project in Maya and Unreal. I just started creating some additive animations to use in a blendspace for my character looking around during the idle animation. I got the yaw calculated for a “look at” variable, and the blendspace seems to be working well, except that the prop that the character is holding is offset from the hands when looking around during the idle animation. In Maya the prop is positioned in the hand properly in both left and right look poses, as well as the idle pose. Something about the additive blendspace is causing this offset but I don’t know what. Any ideas would be appreciated!

Try using mesh space additives. If that doesn’t work, try local space if you’re not using it already.

Thanks for the input. I’ve tried various things but I think based on how this rig works with the prop bone in the hand, I can’t effectively use additive blendspaces without having it drift during the transitions. For now I’ve just made a new blendspace and I’m using full body animations. A little less elegant of a solution and it will involve more work, but I want to move forward with this project so I’m going to use this approach for now. Thanks again.

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