Adding weight to a Destructible Mesh / meshes destroying other after exploding


I have success in making a destructible mesh, but I want it to simulate Rock/Stone.

When I walk into it, it rolls along the ground and breaks apart.

When I stack 3 on top of each other and destroy the middle one, instead of the bottom one staying and the top on falling, they are destroyed.

  1. How do I make them weigh like rock?
  2. how do I stop 3 destroying?



There are two things here that could help, but unfortunately, they are both have bugs associated with them at the moment that were recently reported (both within the past week and a half).

For the first one you would want to adjust the mass of the . Bug report ticket# is: UE-5642

For the second, you would want to use “Form Extended Structures” set to true under the “Flags” under the details panel in your DM. Bug report ticket # is: UE-6062.

With the second, this will work, to form extended structures BUT only one of the DMs will be destructible while attached, meaning you can shoot the other two but they will not destroy unless they become detached from the first mesh.

Hopefully, these will be resolved soon.

