I’m working on car AI that follows splines and I want to add variables to spline points, for example school zones or speed limits etc. I think I could do this by making a child struct of FSplineCurves and replacing it in a child class of USplineComponent, and exposing those variables to blueprint.
But is there a way to edit and show this in the editor in a visually, for example clicking on spline points and checking boxes for “bIsSchoolZone” or typing in a speed limit for this spline point? Not just editing an array of structs?
Here’s a picture to explain what I’m looking for. Would it be possible to have spline variables editable like this, and not in the details panel on the right? Or at least be able to select individual spline points and have their struct variables in the details panel?
Hey brother, I know its been awhile since this post, but wanted to ask if you were able to add variables to the spline points like you described here. Really looking to do the same somehow.
Probably the simplest way of accomplishing this is to set up a trigger volume actor and assign it as a child component along the spline points in your spline’s construction script. You can then set up a map to assign speed limits to indexed points along the spline, and then an interface in the trigger volume to pass the relevant variables on to your vehicles as they pass through them.
Next set up some logic in your trigger volume actor to pass the speed limit variable on to the interface when the correct class of object overlaps a volume.