Hey, question, I got a library of assets I’ve downloaded from the marketplace and wonder if there is a way to add them to a project I’m doing in unreal engine 5 early access?
start your project in ue4.26 etc then upgrade it to ue5
If is an asset in your library.
Simply use the button add to project.
Then select the check box show all project.
Then select the project you want add in it.
Then use the combobox to change for the more recent engine compatible.
(ex: 4.26 or whatever the latest version is available in this menu)
And in fact, as mentioned by @frostic is possibile to convert existing project to other engine version …
Also, you can migrate asset from an open project to any other projects already exist in your local computer, but, it is a separate topic.
In thecontent browser just right click the folder or specific asset, select migrate and you are done.
You can add none ue5 compatible purchases from the store by downloading and migrating.
i’ll try that out.
hey, how can i download the asset from marketplace?
you don’t. you install it from launcher. some projects create a project, some assets are “add to project” goto unreal engine in launcher, open up library where you see the engines, there will be a button to either “create project or add to projet” button next to the asset you have purchased or got for free from the marketplace.
As frostic say it is better to go directly in your library and use the big yellow button (Create Project or Add to project or Install in the engine) of the item you have first buy or get for free. Then follow the options on the other pages to complete the process.
But is also possible to do the same action from the market page of the item if you want to.