Adding ThirdPerson C++ to a project is bugged

UE 22.3, creating a C++ project with no code, and then Adding Feature or Content Package, selecting the Third Person template. . .

It loads, throws an error, and then won’t compile.

The BP for the class has no parent class, and none are in the project that make sense.
The C++ throws a couple errors when trying to compile outside.

Is this an issue with the engine content that is available in this build?

*Edit to include explicitly what error messages occur

TP_ThirdPersonCharacter.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “__declspec(dllimport) public: static void __cdecl UHeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary::ResetOrientationAndPosition(float,enum EOrientPositionSelector::Type)” (_imp?ResetOrientationAndPosition@UHeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary@@SAXMW4Type@EOrientPositio
nSelector@@@Z) referenced in function “protected: void __cdecl ATP_ThirdPersonCharacter::OnResetVR(void)” (?OnResetVR@ATP_ThirdPersonCharacter@@IEAAXXZ)

Please list errors, because otherwise it’a guessing game whats wrong. Error messages are there for that reason

Understood, I updated the comment to include the “robust” error code. I also very literally gave a recounting of how to repro the error. Also, looking for a validation that the error is on the Epic side of things (or not).

Hi, You may just need to add this to your Build.cs file.


Might be due to the ThirdPerson template including HMD inputs but maybe bare C++ project doesn’t include those.
The TP template does have blueprint code for tracking HMD, so that’s my guess.

That moves me forward to this error:

Default Property warnings and errors:
Error: CDO Constructor (TP_ThirdPersonGameMode): Failed to find /Game/ThirdPersonCPP/Blueprints/ThirdPersonCharacter.ThirdPersonCharacter_C

Your constructor has a Constructor Helper that hard codes the character. It must be in a different directory in your project browser which is why it’s failing to find it. Just right click over ThirdPersonCharacter_C in the content browser and Copy Reference. Then replace it with the directory you mentioned.